Promotion de l’éducation plurilingue – Partage de pratiques, formation et information (PEP)

The project “Promotion de l’éducation plurilingue – Partage des pratiques, formation et information (PEP)” aims to strengthen the competences of (active and future) language teachers, to promote multilingual education and, as an overall and longer-term goal, to promote multilingualism among European citizens. It contributes to the implementation of the central objective of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR, 2001) – the development of multilingual and pluricultural competence. The relevance of this educational objective was emphasised in the companion volume to the 2020 CEFR; at the same time, it is still little present in educational institutions.

Photograph: © Gordon Johnson/Pixabay

Project goals

  • Collection and analysis of multilingual education practices in Europe (survey of schools and universities).
  • Publication of a collection of good-practice examples with transferable practices.
  • Creation of a reference work with contributions linking theory and practice. In this way, a better understanding of multilingualism, multilingual competence and the didactics of multilingualism should be conveyed.
  • Establishment and maintenance of a “Multilingualism” section on Wikiversity.
  • Development of a hybrid further education/training in the field of multilingual education with didactic/teaching guide

Target groups

  • Language teachers in initial and in-service training
  • Persons involved in the initial and in-service training of language teachers
  • researchers
  • Decision makers

Project data

  • Erasmus+, KA2
  • project number: 2023-1-FR01-KA220-HED-000160820
  • Funding amount: 400.000 €
  • Duration: 01.09.2023-31.08.2026

Partner institutions

  • Université de la Réunion (coordination)
  • Paris Lodron University Salzburg (Co-coordination)
  • University of Vienna
  • University of Hamburg
  • Università Roma Tre
  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa
  • Πανεπιστημιο Θεσσαλιας (University of Thessaly)

Project Team University of Salzburg

M. Strasser (local coordination), C. Hülsmann, T. Bogensperger (Language Centre)

Co-funded by the European Union