Evaluation des compétences en intercompréhension: réception et interactions plurilingues (2016-1-FR01-KA203-024155 Erasmus+)


Photograph: © Projekt EVAL-IC

The promotion of multilingualism represents a central concern of the (language) policy of the European Union. The aim of intercomprehension methodology, one of the most important subfields of multilingualism methodologies, is the development of multilingual intercultural competence, as it is also described in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), among others – although the practical implementation of a networked learning of (foreign) languages often fails due to the reality of teaching and its framework conditions.  Another reason for the non-implementation is probably the lack of concretisation of the learning objectives, in particular the lack of competence descriptions.

This is where the EVAL-IC project comes in: After surveying the state of research on receptive or interactional intercomprehension competence (for the distinction between receptive and interactional intercomprehension, see Ollivier & Strasser 2013), the project developed models and descriptors for receptive and interactional intercomprehension competence, as well as procedures for evaluating the respective intercomprehension competence(s). The aim was to develop a university certificate for intercomprehension competence(s) as a complement to the existing monolingual oriented certificates. EVAL-IC will initially focus on the Romance language group, as research in this area is most advanced. However, extensions to other language groups are envisaged.
The project thus follows on from the numerous European projects promoting multilingualism and cross-language learning that have been carried out at the Language Centre of the University of Salzburg over the past 20 years, beginning with the European Awareness and Intercomprehension (EU&I, Lingua I) project in 2003.

During the EVAL-IC project, experts from 14 universities with many years of experience in the field of intercomprehension research worked together. The University of Salzburg played a leading role in the project and was responsible for the first work package.

Coordination: University of La Réunion (project leader); Università Roma Tre and Universidade Católica Portuguesa (co-coordination)
University of Salzburg: Margareta Strasser, Language Centre (local coordination), Christoph Hülsmann, Language Centre/Department of Romance Studies
Further project partners: Hogere Zeevaartschool Antwerpen, Universität des Saarlandes, Universität Hamburg, Universidad de Salamanca, Aix-Marseille Université, Università degli Studi Roma Tre, Università di Macerata, Università Ca‘ Foscari Venezia, Università degli studi di Cassino e del Lazio Meridional, Universidade de Aveiro, Alexandru Ioan Cuza“ Iași
Duration: 01.09.2016-31.08.2019
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The EVAL-IC project was awarded the label “Bonne Pratique” (“Good Practice”) by the ERASMUS+ Agency in the final report!