Dr. Friedlind Riedel

Dr. Friedlind Riedel
Senior Scientist

Universität Salzburg, Unipark Nonntal
Erzabt-Klotz-Straße 1 Raum 2.116 , 5020 Salzburg

Tel.: +43 662 80444653

Web:  https://friedlindriedel.de/

Research agenda

My work is animated by the basic media-theoretical claim, that aesthetic operations and technical procedures in their historical and cultural specificity take priority over the concepts that are taken to be fundamental to a given culture. This justifies and necessitates a rigorous analysis of practices and techniques which make up aesthetic milieus thus avoiding a line of reasoning that starts from universal claims about music, sound, listening or the body.

My research connects music and sound scholarship with ideas from Theravāda Buddhist thought, German media philosophy, and phenomenology. It combines three significant strands of musicological inquiry: the development of Burmese musical drama (pyazat) from the royal patronage of the nineteenth century until the present, a new concern with the conceptual entity of “the human”, and an interest in cultural techniques (Kulturtechniken) of dramatic staging and religious ritual.


  • Theories, histories and configurations of listening
  • Burmese-Buddhist music history
  • Music in/as religious procedures
  • Theravadah Buddhist thought
  • Kulturtechnikforschung & Medienanthropologie (a.k.a. German media philosophy)
  • Burmese pyazat (opera) and natpwe (transformation ritual), 19th and 20th century 
  • Cultural techniques of transformation
  • Procedures of appearing and revealing on stage
  • Phenomenology & music as atmosphere