Salzburg-Szeged Dissertational Network Workshop: Medial Interactions in the Literary Fantastic
(Organisation: Anna Kerchy and György Szönyi)
4 – 5 April 2008, University of Szeged 

Joint PhD-Network Symposium: Communicative Strategies in Literature
(Organisation: Sabine Coelsch-Foisner and Sarah Herbe)
3-4 November 2006, Brunauerzentrum Salzburg

Bilateral PhD/Post-Doc Seminar: What Constitutes the Fantastic?
(Organisation: Markus Oppolzer and György Szönyi)
9-10 June 2006, University of Szeged

Bilateral PhD/Post-Doc Seminar:  Redefining Genres as Models of Communication
(Organisation: Elisabeth Schober and Milada Franková)
27-29 April 2006, Masaryk University Brno

Bilateral PhD-Symposium within the conference  Fantastic Body Transformations in English Literature, Film, and Art (Organisation: Markus Oppolzer and Elisabeth Schober)
2 Nov. 2005, Bildungshaus St. Virgil, Salzburg

Salzburg-Szeged PhD Conference: Fantastic Transformations of the Body in Modern English Literature – Case Studies (Organisation: Sabine Coelsch-Foisner with Sarolta Marinovich-Resch and György Szönyi)
19 August 2005, University of Szeged 

International Post-Graduate / Postdoc Forum:  Human Bodies in British Fantastic Literature – Defining Fantastic Genres (Organisation: Sabine Coelsch-Foisner and Sarah Herbe)
19 May 2005, Bildungshaus St. Virgil, Salzburg