ERASMUS+ Staff Teaching Mobility (STA)

Lecturers of the University of Salzburg can complete (short) teaching stays funded by Erasmus+ at an Erasmus partner university in a program country (KA 131) or a partner country (KA 171), provided that the University of Salzburg (PLUS) has concluded Erasmus+ cooperation agreements (iia) with a corresponding university (HS).

Definition of program countries: EU member states and the following associated third countries: Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, North Macedonia, Serbia and Turkey

Definition of partner countries: Third countries not associated with the program can participate in selected Erasmus+ actions.

Further details can be found in the  Erasmus+ Program Guide and on the  OeAD Erasmus+ website as well as on request in our department.

Stays in Switzerland and Great Britain are currently NOT eligible for Erasmus+ funding.

Target group

Eligible to participate in Erasmus+ mobility for teaching purposes are teaching, academic staff with an active employment relationship with the University of Salzburg for the duration of the mobility.

Excluded are: emeritus/retired university professors and visiting professors.

Duration of the teaching stay & teaching load

  • Activities in program countries: Two days to a maximum of two months (excluding travel time)
  • Activities in partner countries: Five days to a maximum of two months (excluding travel time)
  • Teaching time: at least eight hours (per week), longer stays require correspondingly more teaching time
  • A stay for teaching purposes at a partner institution can also be combined with elements of a stay for training purposes. In this case, the minimum teaching obligation is reduced to four teaching hours per week. The Mobility Agreement (= activity program) for teaching purposes is extended to include training elements.
  • Blended Mobility: A combination of virtual teaching from home with face-to-face teaching at the host university abroad, e.g. as part of so-called Blended Intensive Programs (BIP). Financial support is ONLY possible for the duration of the physical stay abroad.

Further requirements

  • Valid ERASMUS+ agreement with the receiving university
  • Teaching/activity program agreed with the partner university (“Mobility Agreement”, can be downloaded under Forms)

Submission deadlines

Submission is currently still possible on an ongoing basis. Please announce your project as early as possible. Changes to the award procedure will be announced here in due course.

Eligible costs

  • Travel and accommodation costs are eligible for funding, taking into account the principle of economic efficiency and the travel guidelines of the University of Salzburg.
  • Lecturers with special needs can apply for special grants from EU funds, so-called “inclusion support”. Inclusion support also enables a preparatory visit and supports the necessary additional costs.
  • Higher travel allowances possible if environmentally friendly means of travel (“green travel”) are used. This includes: Train, bus & car travel in car pools.
  • If environmentally friendly means of travel are used, a longer travel duration can also be taken into account.
  • A sworn declaration and a corresponding ticket (including proof of payment) serve as proof of environmentally friendly travel.
  • An entitlement to “green travel” exists if at least half of the route is covered by a lower-emission means of transport (see above).

Further information