What to do at the End?

At the end of your exchange stay in Salzburg, you must remember to take all study-related documents from the University of Salzburg home with you.

Examinations / Final Papers after lecture time (within holidays)

The first semester-ending exams always take place in the last week of lectures (winter semester until 31 January, summer semester until 30 June). If you take exams / hand in papers at a later date, please note the following deadlines: Examinations for the winter semester must be taken by 31 March and examinations for the summer semester may not be taken later than 30 September. If exams take place later (e.g. in April), a valid enrolment for the summer semester must have been made. In particular, students who return to their home universities after the winter semester should take note of this information!

Confirmation of Departure/Attendance/Stay

Erasmus/SEMP students are probably asked by their home universities to have a “Confirmation of Departure/Stay/Attendance” signed in our office before leaving Salzburg. This document is important for the scholarship. The form is usually provided by the home university. If you do not have such a form, please ask your home coordinator or ask for one of our documents. Note: We sign departure confirmations a maximum of seven days before the planned departure.

Learning Agreement after the mobility & PLUS Transcript of Records (ToR)

The Learning Agreement after the mobility corresponds to the Transcript of Records (ToR). The ToR is available as a download via your PLUSonline business card after passing final exams at PLUS. Therefore, it is NOT necessary to additionally fill out a Learning Agreement after the mobility and have it signed by us!

You can download the Transcript of Records before or after your departure as often needed. You will be able to access your PLUSonline account for some time after your stay at PLUS has ended. All documents downloaded and printed from PLUSonline are generated by an automated system and digitally signed.  If your home university still insists on a document with an “analogue stamp and signature”, please contact us.

PLUS StudentCard & Registration Number “Matrikelnummer”

You can take your StudentCard with you when going home. The cards lose their validity at the end of your enrolment time (end of April/ end of November). The same card will be used for another registration for study purpose at one of Austria’s universities, if you are going to study again in Austria. The Austrian Matrikelnummer (student’s registration number) stays valid, too.

Cancellation of Civil Registration

Three days before leaving Salzburg a cancellation of one’s registration with the authorities (e.g. City of Salzburg) is required.

Don’t forget to:

  • Recall health insurance contract (if applicable)
  • Close bank account
  • Resell your bicycle

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Co-Funded by the EU