Grant for a Study-relevant Internship Abroad for Teacher Training Students (Lehramt)

The Department of International Relations is expanding PLUS’s study abroad scholarship offerings to include another scholarship, the Scholarship for Subject-Related Internship Study Abroad for Teaching Assistantship Students.

Type of grant:

Scholarships and travel grants for school internships abroad – gain experience abroad while studying! Teacher training and DaF (German as a foreign language) students can complete teaching internships at schools worldwide, which will count towards their study programme in in Salzburg. Language courses are not fundable (exception: language courses organised by the University of Salzburg)!

Duration of grant:

At least 2 weeks, maximum 2 months within the Erasmus+ programme countries.Maximum 6 months outside the Erasmus+ programme countries.

Issuing Authority:

International Relations Department, University of Salzburg

Application requirements:

  • Regular, registered student at the University of Salzburg;
  • Candidates must have the centre of their vital interests in Austria and cannot already be carrying out research abroad when applying

Other Important details:

  • Grants are only issued to students who cannot apply for financial aid within the framework of another funding programme
  • Study grant recipients can apply for a study abroad grant from the Scholarship Office in addition to the study grant (e.g. Study Abroad Scholarship from the Scholarship Office).
  • Since June 2022, recipients of study abroad grants from the Scholarship Office can also apply for PLUS study abroad grants.
  • Graduate students cannot be sponsored
  • If they meet the requirements, recipients of the PLUS Study Abroad Scholarship with disabilities, chronic illnesses, children in need of care, or dependents requiring care may apply for additional top-ups under the Friederike Zweig Study Abroad Grant. (See PLUS Friederike Zweig Study Abroad Grant – Top-up to support disadvantaged groups to study abroad inclusively).
  • Course or tuition fees will not be funded.
  • Applicants employed by the University of Salzburg, who will continue to recieve their wage whilst on leave, will only receive 50% of the maximum monthly grant, as stated, if their salary exceeds €730 per month (net.).

Privacy information about mobility programs

For more information regarding the processing of your personal data, please see our privacy information HERE

Selection process:

Candidates will be selected by a commision authority at the university.

Grant details:

Only grants (not full scholarships) are awarded for living and travel expenses. The sum of the grant will be calculated on the basis of destination country (from the student grants act – Studienförderungsgesetz) and the applicant’s financial plan. Alongside the grant, a one-time travel subsidy of up to €700 will be issued.A table with the subsidies for living travel grans by destination country can be found on our website.

Please be aware!

Applications for the grant must be fully completed and handed in on time. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered!The approval must be submitted before the start of the mobility at the latest. Any delayed approvals will not be considered, even if the other requirements had previously been met.

Application documents:

  • Application form – grant for study abroad general (1x);
  • A letter of recommendation from lecturers at the University of Salzburg, in which it is clear that the planned internship can be credited to the course of study (1x);
  • A tabular CV (Curriculum Vitae) (1x);
  • Letter of motivation backed up by academic reason (1x);
  • Proof of credibility for planned courses within the study programme at the University of Salzburg;
  • Proof of foreign languages, if necessary for the study period abroad (1x);
  • Confirmation of acceptance;
  • Financial plan (see application form).

Submission point: 

International Relations Department, Sigmund-Haffner-Gasse 18, 2nd Floor, 5020 Salzburg.

Submission deadline(s):

  • 15th November
  • 1st February
  • 1st April
  • 1st June


A report (maximum 5 pages), as well as a confirmation of stay from the host institution (certificate), is to be submitted after completion of the mobility to the International Relations Department. The report must contain information regarding the duration of stay at the host institution, details of the course of study, as well as a description of practical experience obtained during the placement abroad.

Should the report or the confirmation of attendance certificate not be submitted within two months after the completion of the excursion, the grant must be fully repaid.Grants are awarded within the framework of a private sector administration and are based on the student‘s application. There is no legal entitlement to the grant.

We will happily provide you with more information – please contact:

Dott.ssa Elona Memisha-Schnappinger
Coordinator for Incoming and Outgoing Mobilities worldwide
International Relations Department
Sigmund-Haffner-Gasse 18, 2. Stock
A – 5020 SalzburgTel.: +43-(0)662-8044-2043
Web: University of Salzburg Grant Programs




Praktika im Ausland (Muss noch auf ENGL übersetzt werden)

Uni-intern koordinierte Programme

Stipendium zum fachrelevanten Praktikumsaufenthalt für Lehramtsstudierende im Ausland

Stipendien und Reisekostenzuschüsse für Schulpraktika im Ausland – Auslandserfahrung lässt sich auch schon im Studium sammeln.Lehramts- und DaF-Studierende können Lehramts- oder Unterrichtpraktika an Schulen weltweit absolvieren, die dem Studium angerechnet werden. Sprachkurse  werden nicht gefördert (Ausnahme: von der Universität Salzburg organisierte Sprachkurse)!Mindestens 2 Wochen, Maximal 2 Monate innerhalb der Erasmus+ Programmländer. Maximal 6 Monate außerhalb der Erasmus+ Programmländer.Nächster Einreichtermin: 1. Juni 2021

Weitere Programme


Uni-extern koordinierte Programme

Weitere Informationen sowie aktuelle Ausschreibungen finden Sie unter und auf der OeAD-Webseite   „Lehren im Ausland“.