General information:

Privacy information about mobility programs

For more information regarding the processing of your personal data, please see our privacy information HERE

Counselling services

HERE you will find various contact points that can provide you with advice in cases of discrimination.
No matter which service you contact, no action will be taken without your consent. Counselling is also possible anonymously at many centres.

International students

Info for non-exchange students

Full Degree at PLUS

PLUS has a wide range of study programs. Non-exchange students can obtain more information about admissions through the Admissions Department.

Unipark roof terrace

Info for exchange students in Salzburg

Exchange Students

The International Relations Office offers their services for exchange students arriving from the PLUS’s worldwide partner institution network.

Blick auf die Salzburg Altstadt

Info for future exchange students

Go Abroad

Students interested in completing a funded stay abroad should contact the International Relations Office.

Study Abroad Stipendium der PLUS