Internationale Kooperationen und Projekte


International partnerships and contacts with universities across the globe connect the University of Salzburg with all continents. Over the last few decades, a global network of university partnerships has been developed and expanded, ranging from Australia to China and from South Africa to the United States and Latin America. Moreover, after Austria joined the European Union in the mid-1990s, the University of Salzburg has also succeeded in systematically expanding its partnerships throughout Europe. At present, the network comprises of around 230 universities and 400 cooperation agreements worldwide.

This opens up a broad range of opportunities to students and researchers at the University of Salzburg, as they are able to participate in short or long-term programs abroad. Meanwhile, the University of Salzburg has established itself as an attractive destination for study and research: In 2013 it was awarded a “Certificate for Outstanding International Student Satisfaction” for being the most popular and attractive university in Austria and one of the ten most popular universities in Europe, according to a survey made by among Erasmus students.