CIVIS Days 2024

24th – 26th September | Paris Lodron Universität Salzburg

The CIVIS Days are the annual highlight of the “ CIVIS – Europe’s Civic University Alliance” and are organised alternately by each partner institution.

In a hybrid setting, the event provides an opportunity to exchange ideas, socialise, network and inspire each other. Students, university staff, civil society stakeholders and political decision-makers from all over Europe come together to shape the future of academic cooperation in the European Higher Education Area.

Public sessions and events

Join public events to get informed on CIVIS outcomes and future plans.


Working meetings

Get involved in developing CIVIS joint education endeavours.


CIVIS Days Choir

The conference choir will perform together at the CIVIS International Reception in the University’s ceremonial hall.


Photos (1, 2) © Kay Müller, (3) iStock/mattabbe