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University of Salzburg
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5020 Salzburg | Austria
Telefon: +43 662 8044-0
Represented by the Rectorate of the University of Salzburg:
on behalf: Rector Univ.-Prof. Dr. Bernhard Fügenschuh
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ATU 57532824
Design and concept
MAYA Inspiranto KG | and the IT Services of the University of Salzburg
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University of Salzburg
Service facility IT Services
Information Systems Department
Supervisory authority of the University of Salzburg:
Austrian Federal Ministry of Education, Science and Research
The contents are published on the World Wide Web for online access. Copyright for texts, images, graphic design and source code is – unless explicitly stated in the meta description (e.g. “name or artist name of the photographer /” or “© name or artist name of the photographer /”) – owned by the University of Salzburg
Photo credits (homepage):
Slider, Photograph 1: © CIVIS | Photograph 2: © Canva | Photograph 3-5: © Kay Müller | Photograph 6: © Elona Memisha-Schnappinger
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Text above image 1:2: © Kay Müller
Photo credits (Menu “University”, “Studies”, “Research”, “Uni Life”): © Luigi Caputo
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The Communication and Fundraising Office is responsible for the content and text of the website The technical support of the WWW server is provided by the IT Services of the University of Salzburg.
The design concept, infrastructure and technical implementation have been developed by the University of Salzburg, Communication and Fundraising Department and the IT Services using WordPress. Individual units and institutions of the University of Salzburg, as well as other information providers, run and maintain their own websites, which are adopted into the main website infrastructure.
Organisational and academic units (according to the organisation plan) may operate their own subdomains of the URL, for whose content they are also responsible. Requests should be made directly to the webmaster of the respective unit.
The information provided on the homepage has been reviewed with great care. Nevertheless, no guarantee can be given for the accuracy, completeness and validity of the information. The University of Salzburg can therefore not accept any liability for content provided. The links to other sites have been diligently selected.
As the University of Salzburg has no influence on their contents, the University of Salzburg does not assume any responsibility for them. Neither IT Services nor the University of Salzburg can be held liable for missing or incorrect information. Errors excepted.
Tasks of the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg:
According to § 3 of the 2002 Universities Act the University of Salzburg fulfils the following tasks within its sphere of action:
- advancement of sciences (research and teaching), and the advancement, appreciation and teaching of the arts;
- education through science and the advancement and appreciation of the arts;
- scientific, artistic, artistic-pedagogical and artistic-scientific training, qualification for professional activities requiring the application of scientific knowledge and methods, as well as teaching artistic and scientific skills at the highest level;
- training and promotion of junior academics and young artists;
- continuing education, particularly of university graduates and graduates of university colleges of teacher education;
- internal co-ordination of scientific research (and the advancement and appreciation of the arts) and teaching at universities;
- promotion of domestic and international co-operation in research and teaching, and the arts;
- promotion of the use and practical application of their research findings, and of community involvement in efforts to promote the advancement and appreciation of the arts;
- gender equality, and the advancement of women;
- maintenance of contacts with graduates;
- provision of public information on the performance of the tasks of the universities.
Official signature / logo
Publication of the University of Salzburg’s logo according to section 19, paragraph 3 of the Austrian E-Government Act.
All logos of the University of Salzburg for the official, electronic signing of documents: Logos