
Rudolfskai Vorderansicht
Foto: © Universität Salzburg. PLUS

The Faculty of Social Sciences was founded on 01. 01. 2022 from the Faculty of Cultural and Social Sciences and houses the departments of Education, History, Communication Studies, Political Science, Philosophy (GW), Sociology and Social Geography.

Disciplines of the faculty are represented in university focal points and centers (Interdisciplinary Center for Medieval and Early Modern Studies, Salzburg Center of European Union Studies, Center for Jewish Cultural History). Examples of the breadth of initiatives in research and teaching at the Faculty of Social Sciences are a large number of research projects in the field of Digital Humanities (PLUS Leitmotif Digital Life), sustainability research in political and historical science (PLUS Leitmotif Development & Sustainability) and Food Studies (PLUS Leitmotif Health & Mind). Scientists at the Faculty of Social Sciences are internationally networked and active in numerous third-party funded projects. Among other things, an ERC-funded project (GEOTRADE) is located at the Department of Political Science, while the Department of Communication Sciences offers the Erasmus+ Joint Master’s program “Digital Communication Leadership” together with international partners. Teacher training combines the work of the faculty’s departments with the School of Education. Due to the diversity of doctoral projects supervised at the faculty, GW scientists are also involved in a number of Doctorate-School-PLUS colleges.