Integrated Projects

“IP” type courses are key elements in the MSc AGI curriculum. Based on conceptual and methodological knowledge from prior courses and modules, IPs aim at applying this knowledge within complete workflows and real world contexts. Demands from a ‘customer’ are translated into requirements, followed by structured planning, implementation and validation. Integrated Projects can be conducted in groups of students or individually, and typically will yield documentation, written reports and presentations.

IPs in the modules 856M15 ‘Geo-Application Development’ and 856M16 ‘Spatial Data Infrastructures’ will focus on experiential learning and practical implementation of concepts acquired from preceding courses in the respective modules. The ‘I3 Project’ in 856M17 follows a highly integrated approach, including project-oriented learning in the areas of project management (tools), group facilitation, advanced presentation techniques and additional professionally relevant skill sets.

The thematic orientation of IPs typically will vary between semesters, frequently addressing topics of current interest and including advanced techniques and technologies.