
An internship over a minimum of 6 weeks (or equivalent in full time work) is a compulsory component in the current curriculum. Students are strongly encouraged to use this for building links with potential employment opportunities and to gather some professional experience in a relevant sector. Many students elect to complete multiple internships over longer periods of time.

MSC AGI Internship: Check the AGI Internship Guideline

Coworking Workstation

Internship opportunities

You are welcome to refer to the Z_GIS platform for > current internship offers<

  • Government institutions and utility companies like  Linz AG >contact
  • Small and medium sized enterprises (SME) (see e.g. >
  • Exhibitors at e.g. AGIT / GI_Forum conferences > list of exhibitors
  •  Austrian Institute of Technology – AIT >contact
  • International geospatial enterprises = major companies typically offer structured internship programs (e.g. > ESRI Trimble DLR)
  • International organisations (e.g. > UN Vienna, > UN Geospatial Information Section -NYC)

For all having already gathered professional job experience e.g. through employment before starting your Master’s programme, the internship requirement can be waived by giving credit for prior professional experience

Geoinformatics students are particularly welcome to contact these institutions / businesses located in the Salzburg region with their internship applications:

Research Studio iSPACE


SPAR Business Services GmbH
Information & Communication Services
Europastrasse 3, 5015 Salzburg, Austria

Salzburg AG (Salzburg) – Unternehmen für Energie, Verkehr und Telekommunikation. Info zu  Praktika und dem  Trainee-Programm.
 Einladung zur Bewerbung

Fa. trafficon (Salzburg, München) – TraffiCon beschäftigt sich mit zukunftsweisenden Mobilitätslösungen im Bereich Verkehr und hat es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, Verkehrsverbünde durch beratenden Tätigkeiten, wie Anwendungsforschung und -entwicklung, zu stärken. Info zu  Stellen.
 Einladung zur Bewerbung | Kontakt Stefan Krampe

Fa. Spatial Services

 Spatial Services GmbH develops and implements geoinformatics products and processes which aim for resource efficient and sustainable development for the climate and environment, energy supply as well as city and transit planning.

As a spin-off from the University of Salzburg, the company creates a link to research results from the Department for Geoinformatics – Z_GIS, and incorporates current results directly into the development of their products. This interlocking of research and practice enables innovative solutions to be brought to market in a relatively short time, as well as to continuously utilize processes developed in the course of research projects. This is further supported by close connection with international partners in the field of geoinformatics.
Contact Mr. Hubert Schöndorfer

Fa. Ocean Maps

 Ocean-Maps GmbH measures, visualize and make data tangible. With the experience of more than 400 projects worldwide, the company has set out to make its technologies available to many industries. Oceanmaps is working in the fields of Surveying and inspection under water, Data acuisition with UAV and laserscanner and Customized Software development. Contact Mr. Klemens Svetitsch

Fa. SIGMATEK (Lamprechtshausen) – SIGMATEK designs and produces innovative, reliable and economic automation complete solutions.  Careers info.
Contact Dr Friedrich Donner

Fa. eoVision

 eoVision is a media, development and consulting company in the domains of Earth Observation and Geographic Information. Contact Dr Markus Eisl for internship enquiries.

Porsche Holding

Porsche in Salzburg is offering a variety of career options. Internship opportunities are offered under the ‘Praktikum’ category on the  careers page, and on a specific page for  Porsche Informatik.
Special mention should be made of the  trainee program, which is not limited to the academic disciplines listed.

Amt der Salzburger Landesregierung

Most internships are completed at SAGIS, but of course other departments within the Salzburg state government welcome interns as well. Typically, proof of a compulsory internship within your curriculum is required! Applications


To enter your internship offering for Geoinformatics students, please use > this form< to register details.