
Throughout the entire ‘Applied Geoinformatics’ MSc program, students are expected to develop and maintain a personal online portfolio. Such an e-portfolio is a documented collection of works and products completed in courses and other studies-related activities. The portfolio will document individual achievements, competences and skills and could later (optionally) be used to support your resume and job applications (> read  this).

Possible portfolio items are seminar presentations, map designs, software implementations, project results, internship reports etc – typically a blog or web CMS platform will be used facilitating comments and discussions by a wider audience. There are no further formal or structural guidelines for e-portfolio development, it rather is expected to express the author’s creativity and personal approach through highlighting one’s ‘presentable’ achievements during the AGI program. If you are required to document any work during your studies as a portfolio | blog, use the same platform and do not set up separate instances. Blogging platforms like Blogger or WordPress allow ‘diary-type’ chronological entries as well as other web pages – use the latter for items of longer term or general validity.

The portfolio has to be submitted (by declaring the URL) to the ePortfolio lecturer and the thesis supervisor at the time of master thesis submission.
Registration for the ePortfolio course (in PLUSonline) is required in each semester during your MSc AGI studies, since this ‘course’ is used as a distribution list for current information pertaining to MSc AGI students.

Some representative examples:

General links re ePortfolios: