Elective subjects

See current semester listings for current electives offerings!

A first choice for electives will be courses you are interested in, but do not need to fulfill requirements from obligatory modules. In particular courses offered in module > 856M13 – Methods in Geoinformatics are very well suited to develop additional competences adding to your profile.

Summer Schools

You find an up-to-date list of suitable summerschools @our  CDE Masters’ Summerschools & Conferences webpage


MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses)

Several of these increasingly popular online courses now can be taken for electives credit as well. They can be found in the PLUSonline course catalog when searching for ‘MOOC’. These courses are run on a fixed schedule, and do not always align well with semester periods.

Hint: do not select courses identified with a leading ‘U’, like U89.870, but rather register for 655.508 pointing to the ‘Earth Imagery’ MOOC.

Esri Academy

This is  online software training, for credit you can choose from courses listed in PLUSonline. Search in http://online.uni-salzburg.at for courses containing ‘EsriAcad’ in the current semester, like:

Esri Academy

In each course, one or several Esri Academy courses are listed, which you need to complete in order to receive the 1 ECTS credit offered for all online courses based on the Esri Academy > Example (be aware that course numbers with a leading ‘U’ cannot be selected!)

New to Esri Academy?? Go to  https://www.esri.com/training/

Of course software skills other than ESRI are highly recommended, to be acquired either through informal means or other online options!

For everybody not having completed their bachelor’s degree in Geography at Salzburg, in particular when there was no opportunity to take equivalent undergraduate courses, the following classes are recommended and can be accepted for electives credit within the AGI MSc:

  • Topographische Kartographie und Luftbild (VO+UE)
  • Thematische Kartographie (VO+UE)
  • Grundlagen der Geoinformatik (VO+UE) (English language)
  • Remote Sensing and Image Processing (VO+UE) (English language!)