The European Nanotechnology Community Informatics Platform: Bridging data and disciplinary gaps for industry and regulators
H2020 NanoCommons is a large research infrastructure project that is intended to improve access to and quality of nanoinformatics in Europe. It is user-led, so the consortium will develop offers that are requested by the user community, i.e. mainly experts in nanosafety, nanotechnology and related fields. Users will be able to apply for support, but remote and hands-on in one of the partner institutions. NanoCommons has started in January 2018 with a kickoff meeting in Salzburg and will run for 4 years. The project has 12 EU partners and 2 associated ones from the US. It is coordinated by Iseult Lynch from the University of Birmingham. We lead Work Package 8, which is in charge of ensuring that the training needs are met, which originate from the more widespread use of informatics as a tool of nanosafety. This project will reduce barriers to data sharing, including lack of know-how and data management and it will support the establishment of a professional development certificate for PhD students / postdocs as “certified nano-data curators”.
More information on this project is available at its website (unfortunately still under construction).
Scheme of the activities within NanoCommons
Team: Albert Duschl
Martin Himly
Mark Geppert