The Network

Coordination of the team


© Photo Daniele Mattiangeli, University of Salzburg

At the end of April 2021, the “Salzburg International Templar Studies Network” was founded at the Faculty of Law in cooperation with the Department of Forensic Medicine & Forensic Psychiatry at the University of Salzburg by Univ.-Prof. Johannes Michael Rainer, Univ.-Prof. Fabio Monticelli, Assoz.-Prof. Cemper Kiesslich and Priv.-Doz. Daniele Mattiangeli. The Network is under the patronage of the Province of Salzburg, the City of Salzburg and the Archdiocese of Salzburg.

It is the first recognized university research group to scientifically reconstruct both historical and scientific aspects of the Templar Order.

Coordination of the Salzburg International Templar Studies Network: Daniele Mattiangeli & Jan Cemper-Kiesslich

Coordination of the historical team: Daniele Mattiangeli

Coordination of the natural science team: Jan Cemper-Kiesslich

Scientific Advisory Board: Johannes Michael Rainer, Dietmar Winkler, Fiorenzo Facchini, Fabio Monticelli, Stephan Kirste and Albert Zink