Ass. Prof. Dr. Marion Reindl

Assoz. Prof. Dr. Marion Reindl

Erzabt-Klotz-Straße 1, 5020 Salzburg

Tel.: +43 (0) 662 / 8044-4205
Fax.: +43 (0) 662 / 8044-141

Raum: 2.238, Unipark Nonntal, 2nd Floor
Consultation hours: Wednesday, 13-14 o’clock, by appointment in advance by e-mail.

Short vita

Prof. Dr. Marion Reindl is Associate Professor at the Department of Educational Science at the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg. Marion Reindl studied pedagogy at the Universities of Regensburg and Augsburg. She completed her doctorate at the University of Würzburg (2008-2012) at the Chair of Empirical Educational Research. She then worked as a research assistant at the University of Augsburg at the Department of Psychology (2012-2017). In 2017, she moved to the University of Salzburg as an assistant professor, where she habilitated in educational science in 2023.

Main research interests

  • Peers and academic motivation
  • Peers and emotional development
  • Learning and performance prerequisites of students
  • University didactics
  • Longitudinal modeling

Research projects

Publications (selected)

  • Reindl, M., Auer, T., & Gniewosz, B. (2022). Social integration in higher education and the development of intrinsic motivation: A latent transition analysis. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, article 877072.
  • Reindl, M. (2021). Peer group embedding and academic motivation: A developmental perspective. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, Article 701600.
  • Reindl, M., Gniewosz, B., & Dresel, M. (2021). The influence of friends on the development of academic values in mathematics: Are there differences between female and male dyads? European Journal of Psychology of Education, 36, 781-797.
  • Reindl, M. (2020). The transmission of academic values between best friends: How important is accurate perception? Journal of Adolescence, 83, 72-82.
  • Reindl, M., Tulis, M., & Dresel, M. (2020). Profiles of emotional and motivational self-regulation after errors: Associations with learning. Learning and Individual Differences, 77, Article 101806.
  • Reindl, M., Tulis, M., & Dresel, M. (2018). Associations between friends, academic emotions and achievement: Individual differences in enjoyment and boredom. Learning and Individual Differences, 62, 164-173.

 Complete list of publications and lectures

Curriculum vitae