Dr. Haliemah Mocevic, MA MSc
Senior Scientist
Erzabt-Klotz-Straße 1, 5020 Salzburg
Tel.: +43 (0) 662 / 8044 4204
E-Mail: haliei@wmah..CfmoceviBh1c@p1XPlus3F4.ac.atMvs
Room: 2.249, Unipark Nonntal
Consultation hours: Tuesday, 1 – 2 p.m., by appointment in advance by e-mail
Short vita
Haliemah Mocevic has been a Senior Scientist at the Department of Educational Science at Paris Lodron University Salzburg since 2021. In addition to her Master’s degree in Psychology (2014), she completed the Master’s program in Intercultural Studies. Postgraduate specialist training as a clinical psychologist and health psychologist followed (2014 – 2017). Haliemah Mocevic worked as an assistant to the Chair of Applied Educational Science at the Salzburg University of Teacher Education (2015 – 2019) and as a school psychologist at the Austrian Center for Psychological Health Promotion in Schools (2016 – 2020). Her dissertation, completed in 2022, was awarded several prizes.
Awards (selection)
AK Science Award (2023), Dissertation Award for Migration Research of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (2021), Young Investigators Award (1st place in the thematic group Understanding Society; Education, History, Social Sciences; 2021), Audience Award of the Night of Excellence (2021), Marie Andeßner Scholarship (2020), Award of the City of Salzburg for Voluntary Commitment (2015), AK Science Award (2014)
Main areas of research and work
- Empirical research on education, youth and socialization in the context of cultural and ethnic diversity
- Educational disparitiesStereotypes and stereotype threat
- Self- and identity processes (especially in young people with a history of migration)
- Intercultural skills in psychosocial professions
Current publications (selection)
Mocevic, H. (2023). Bridging the Gap. Migration background and school performance – an empirical study from a psychological perspective. (Contributions to educational research; Volume 11). Waxmann Publishing House. ISBN 978-3-8309-4725-7
Mocevic, H., Mackinger, B., & Jonas, E. (2020). I am more! Multiple identity as a psychological resource among Muslim students in Austria. In F. Gmainer-Pranzl & B. Mackinger (Eds.) Identities: Impositions for science and society (pp. 119-132). (Salzburg interdisciplinary discourses; Volume 15). Peter Lang Publishers. ISBN 9783631823019