Project management: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Burkhard Gniewosz

Project team (in alphabetical order):

Assoz.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Bach,

Ao. Univ.-Prof. Dr. Franz Hofmann,

Dr. Michaela Katstaller,

Rector Dr. Daniela Martinek and Dr. Tuulia Ortner

Period: 2016-2023

Brief description:

The SMILE study investigated student characteristics in the teacher training program at the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg and at the Stefan Zweig University of Teacher Education. The long-term goal of this study was to analyze the development of key student characteristics over the course of their studies in order to be able to incorporate these findings into the further development of the courses offered and the support provided during their studies.The study began with an initial survey of our student teachers in their first semester. Here we were interested, for example, in the career choice motives, how satisfied the students were with their choice of course in the first few weeks, how they assessed the initial phase and the learning conditions of the course, but also their initial expectations of how our students would later deal with specific teaching situations. This information gave us a picture of our students’ initial situation.

Publications resulting from the project (selection):

Eder, A. M., Gniewosz, B., Bach, A., Hofmann, F., & Katstaller, M. (2020). Career choice motivation profiles and self-efficacy beliefs in student teachers. Journal of Educational Research, 10, 317-335.

Eder, A. M., Gniewosz, B., & Katstaller, M. (2021). Why do you want to become a teacher? A person-oriented approach. In M. Carmignola & D. Martinek (Eds.), Personality – Motivation – Development. Festschrift for Franz Hofmann (pp. 289-308). Dr. Kovač.

Eder, A. M., Katstaller, M., & Gniewosz, B. (2023). A person-centered perspective on the relationship between career choice motivation and goal orientations of student teachers. Journal of Educational Science, 26, 875-889.