Research in the AG DLRG

The Digital Learning Research Group at the University of Salzburg conducts diverse research on topics such as multimedia and hypermedia learning, media’s impact on aggression, eLearning, mLearning, and learning with Augmented and Virtual Reality. Their primary focus lies in exploring cognitive and motivational processes and outcomes. Their research methodology encompasses a mix of experimental, quasi-experimental, and observational approaches, predominantly quantitative but also utilizing multi-methods.

Some recent research projects include:

  • TASS (Team-, Assessment-, and Scaffolding-based School Development) Project: This four-year project, funded by the Luxembourg Ministry of Education, assesses students and employs the findings to create adaptive teacher training programs. It incorporates online testing and training, adapting theory-testing-intervention cycles based on theoretical backgrounds and assessment results.
  • Digital Affective Learning Assignments (DALA): This ongoing project investigates the potential of digital assignments to positively influence affective personality development and related skills. It connects affective assignments with resilience models and aims to experimentally test the effectiveness of various assignment types on facets of resilience using adaptive learning principles.
  • Chances and Limits of (Meta-)Cognitive Scaffolding in Learning with Digital Media: This research focuses on self-directed learning and explores how (meta-)cognitive support, known as “scaffolding,” can enhance learning with digital media. It investigates the domains and scenarios where such support is effective.
  • Aggression in Violent Computer Gaming: This project examines short- and long-term effects of repeated computer gaming, comparing users of violent and non-violent games and non-gaming computer users. It uses both implicit and explicit measures of aggressiveness, including Implicit Association Tests and physiological parameters.
  • EdTecAll: This project explores the use of educational technologies (EdTech), particularly augmented and virtual reality, to enhance STEM education. It also supports the development of the EdTech Hub Salzburg initiative.
  • Visual Representations in Biology Learning: Research in this area investigates how learners benefit from different levels of detail in graphic visualizations and the influence of prior knowledge on the learning process.
  • Proficient Use of Digital Technologies in the Biology Classroom: This project focuses on improving biology teachers’ competencies in using digital technologies in teaching, aligning with the TPACK model and emphasizing reflection as a tool for improvement.
  • Metacognitive Awareness and Knowledge Construction: This research explores the activation of learners’ metacognitive awareness as a key factor in improving learning outcomes, drawing from theories like the Desirable Difficulty Theory and Productive Failure.


These projects collectively contribute to the understanding of digital learning, educational technology, and cognitive processes in education, with a focus on practical applications for teaching and learning.

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