Changes in social conditions and the challenges associated with this in education and training require a systematic linking of international comparative research as well as a theoretical repositioning of educational science. In this context, educational research can take on the role of investigating themes such as the link  between educational policy and control mechanisms in the education sector, the relationship between marks of quality (such as efficiency and effectiveness) and education as well as the strategies of professionals coping with the tension between education and economics. The focus of this area is to stimulate a theory orientated as well as an empirically based critical analysis of scientific educational research. The analysis of current challenges (such as migration, globalization and conflicts) and educationally orientated influences (with regional, national and international perspectives), along with  the development of alternative options for pedagogical intervention, presents various possibilities for teaching and learning. A critical and (self) reflective analysis of pedagogical concepts, socio-scientific categories and semantics as well as possible consequences of the results stemming from research, enable the main focus to be scientifically orientated research. The research activities are characterised by a systematic linking of internationally comparative and migrational societal research perspectives. These cover a spectrum ranging from the analysis of (heterogeneous) life situations and educational opportunities and realisation of people living in conditions of global inequality, to basic research on the relationship between politics and educational theory. The relationships between emotion and education, political educational research and constructive conflict management are also examined. In research and teaching, a systematic and appropriate combination of educational theory and research is sought. Subject-orientated educational research should be accomplished by means of the appropriate combination of qualitative and quantitative methods. It includes self-assurance about the conditions surrounding the origins of research questions and the formation of scientific knowledge in relation to the requirement and demand for innovation.


  • Baros Wassilios, Prof. Dr. (Coordinator)
  • Theurer Thomas, Univ. Ass. (Diss.)
  • Gugg Ricarda, Univ. Ass. (Diss.)


Zeitschrift für Bildungsforschung (ZBF)

Abbildung 1505218.GIF

Educational Research