Univ. Prof. Mag. Mag. Dr. Franz Riffert
Erzabt-Klotz-Straße 1, 5020 Salzburg
Tel.: +43 (0) 662 / 8044 4219
Fax.: +43 (0) 662 / 8044 141
Donnerstag 12:45-13:15 – es wird dringend empfohlen vorher per Email Kontakt aufzunehmen, da manche Termine aufgrund von z. B. Tagungsteilnahmen, Urlaub, … entfallen können!
- Bibliography / Publications
- Conference Participation
- Subliminal and supraliminal information processing in perception and problem solving
- Der Learning Cycle Ansatz und seine Implementation im Schulunterricht
Administration / Funktionen
Teilnahme am 3. Internationalen Bildungsmariposion auf Teneriffa 14.-29.09.2013
Presentation and panel discussion (with Prof. Dr. Godehard Brüntrup und Prof. Dr. Eckhard Frick) at the UNESCO World Day of Philosophy at the School of Philosophy in Munich (November 15, 2012); broadcasted by the Bavarian Television Bayern Alpha in the series Denkzeit (Think Time) in February 2013.
Visiting scholar at Harvard Graduate School of Education (2008); invited presentation on MSS (Module Approach for self-Evaluation of School development Processes).
The 6th International Whitehead Conference took place at Salzburg University July 3rd-6th 2006; it was organized by Franz Riffert (Department of Education) and Hans-Joachim Sander (Department of Systematic Theology).
(conference homepage: https://www.sbg.ac.at/whiteheadconference/index2.html)