In scientific Journals:
Nagele F, Hof A, Auer V and Gimenez-Maranges M (2024) Investigating Trees as Interdisciplinary Phenomenon in Climate Regulation. An Intervention Study on iSTEM education and Scientific Literacy in Secondary School. International Journal of Science Education.  https://DOI.org/10.1080/09500693.2024.2334295


In scientific Journals:
Gimenez-Maranges M, Breuste J, Hof A. (2023) Understanding the stakeholder knowledge about, the mindset of and the power for the sustainability transformation of urban stormwater systems: an empirical analysis of three European urban districts. Cities, Volume 140, 2023, 104425, ISSN 0264-2751,  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2023.104425 .

Greiner, Ulrike; Nagele, Fabio; Bussmann, Bettina; Hof, Angela; Kaiser, Irmtraud; Kühberger, Christoph et al. (2023): Funktionen zentraler fachlicher Konzepte in der Lehrer*innenbildung. 146-160 Seiten / Herausforderung Lehrer*innenbildung – Zeitschrift zur Konzeption, Gestaltung und Diskussion, Bd. 6 Nr. 1 (2023): Herausforderung Lehrer*innenbildung – Ausgabe 6. DOI: 10.11576/HLZ-6331 .


In scientific Journals:
Hof, A. (2022): Trinkwasserversorgung auf Mallorca. Ein Ressourcenregime im Spannungsfeld von Wasserknappheit, Klimawandel und Tourismus. Geographische Rundschau 74 (12), S. 30–33.

RAHIMI, A., BREUSTE, J., TARASHKAR, M. (2022): Quantifying the Quality and Detecting Social Inequality in the Prosperous and Deprived Zones Urban Parks of Tabriz, Iran. Carpathian Journal of Earth and Environmental Science. 17(2022)2, 413-423.

HAGKE, C. VON, HILL, C., HOF, A., RINDER, T., LANG, A., HABEL, J. (2022): Learning from the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis to Overcome the Global Environmental Crisis. Sustainability 14(17). DOI: 10.3390/su141710545 .


In scientific Journals:

FAGGI, A., MADANES, N, DIAZ VILLA V, EISENREICH S, BREUSTE, J. (2021): Present and future perception of urban and suburban riverscapes from drawings made by children and adolescents. Interdisciplinary Journal of Environmental and Science Education. 17(2), e2235ISSN: 2633-6537 (Online).

GIMENEZ-MARANGES M, BREUSTE J, HOF A. (2021): A new analytical tool for a more deliberate implementation of Sustainable Drainage Systems. Sustainable Cities and Society (2021), DOI: https://DOI.org/10.1016/j.scs.2021.102955 . GIMENEZ-MARANGES, M., PAPPALARDO, V.,LA

PAVLOVIĆ P., SAWIDIS T., BREUSTE J., KOSTIĆ O., ČAKMAK D., ĐORĐEVIĆ D., PAVLOVIĆ D., PAVLOVIĆ M, PEROVIĆ V., MITROVIĆ M. (2021): Fractionation of Potentially Toxic Elements (PTEs) in Urban Soils from Salzburg, Thessaloniki and Belgrade: An Insight into Source Identification and Human Health Risk Assessment. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2021, 18, 6014. https://DOI.org/10.3390/ ijerph18116014 .

PONIZY, L., LATKOWSKA, MJ., BREUSTE, J., HURSTHOUSE, A., JOIMEL, S., KÜLVIK, M., LEITÃO, TE., MIZGAJSKI, A., VOIGT, AS., KACPRZAK, E., MACKIEWICZ, B., SZCZEPANSKA, (2021): The Rich Diversity of Urban Allotment Gardens in Europe: Contemporary Trends in the Context of Historical, SocioEconomic and Legal Conditions. Sustainability 2021, 13, 11076. https://DOI.org/10.3390/su131911076 .

RAHIMI, A., BREUSTE, J. (2021): Why Urmia Lake is Drying up? Prognostic Modeling with Land Use Data and Artificial Neural Network. Frontiers in Environmental Science, Volume 9 | Article 603916, 11 pages, DOI: 10.3389/fenvs.2021.603916 .

WU, C., LI, J., WANG, C., SONG, C., HAASE, D., BREUSTE, J., FINKA, M. (2021): Estimating the Cooling Effect of Pocket Green Space in High-Dense Urban Areas in Shanghai, China. Frontiers in Environmental Science. Volume 9, article 657969, DOI: 10.3389/fenvs.2021.657969 .



In scientific Journals:
HAYIR KANAT M, BREUSTE J. (2020): Use of natural recreational areas in and around Istanbul. Ulakbilge, Journal of Social Sciences, 53(8):1142-1155. doi: 10.7816/ulakbilge-08-53-05, ISSN: 2148-2020.

HAYIR-KANAT, M., BREUSTE, J. (2020): Outdoor Recreation Participation in Istanbul, Turkey: An Investigation of Frequency, Length, Travel Time and Activities. Sustainability 2020, 12, 741; doi:10.3390/su12020741 .

GIMENEZ-MARANGES, M., PAPPALARDO, V.,LA ROSA, D., BREUSTE, J., HOF, A. (2020): The transition to adaptive storm-water management: Learning from existing experiences in Italy and Southern France. Sustainable Cities and Society 55, p. 102061. DOI: 10.1016/j.scs.2020.102061 .

GIMENEZ-MARANGES, M., PAPPALARDO, V., LA ROSA, D., BREUSTE, J. HOF, A. (2020): The transition to adaptive flood management in Southern European cities: learning from existing experiences in France and Italy. Sustainable Cities and Society. 102061, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scs.2020.102061.

GIMENEZ-MARANGES, M., BREUSTE, J., HOF, A. (2020): Sustainable Drainage Systems for transitioning to sustainable urban flood management in the European Union: A review. Journal of Cleaner Production 255, p. 120191. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2020.120191 .

HELLETSGRUBER, C., GILLNER, S., GULYÁS, Á., JUNKER, R. R.,TANÁCS, E., HOF, A. (2020): Identifying Tree Traits for Cooling Urban Heat Islands – A Cross-City Empirical Analysis. Forests 11 (10), p. 1064. DOI: 10.3390/f11101064 .


In scientific Journals:
STANLEY, C. H., HELLETSGRUBER, C. & HOF, A. (2019): Mutual Influences of Urban Microclimate and Urban Trees: An Investigation of Phenology and Cooling Capacity. Forests 10 (7): 533. doi: 10.3390/f10070533 .

ARTMANN, M., MUELLER, C., GOETZLICH, L. & HOF, A. (2019): Supply and Demand Concerning Urban Green Spaces for Recreation by Elderlies Living in Care Facilities: The Role of Accessibility in an Explorative Case Study in  Austria. Frontiers in Environmental Science 7: 203. doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2019.00136 .

MIZGAJSKI, A., BREUSTE, J. (guest editor) (2019): Urban Ecosystem Changes and Their Social Ecological Drivers and Effects. Sustainability, Special Issue.

IOJA, C., BREUSTE, J., NITA, M.R. (guest editor) (2019): Dealing with Environmental Conflicts. Sustainability, Special Issue.

HAYIR-KANAT, M., BREUSTE, J. (2019): Which Natural Areas are Preferred for Recreation? An Investigation of the Most Popular Natural Resting Types for Istanbul”, Sustainability 2019, 11(23), 6773;  https://doi.org/10.3390/su11236773


BREUSTE, J., S. PAULEIT, D. HAASE U. M. SAUER-WEIN (2016): Stadtökosysteme. Funktion, Management, Entwicklung. Springer Spektrum Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg.
GRUNEWALD, K., M. ARTMANN, J. MATHEY, B. MÜLLER, S. RÖßLER, R.-U. SYRBE, W. WENDE, X. XIE, J. LI, J. BREUSTE, J. CHANG, P. LUO, T. HU, L. KÜMPER-SCHLAKE, A. SCHRÖDER, K. WOLANSKA, N. XIAO, X. LI, Q. XU, S. ZHU, J.H. SPANGENBERG, H. WÜSTEMANN, K. SHARMA U. B. CHEN (2016): Towards Green Cities in China and Germany. Options for integrating urban ecosystem services and biodiversity into policy and planning. PolicyBrief.
In scientific Journals:
a) International
BADIU, D.L., M. PĂTROESCU, J. BREUSTE, M. ART-MANN, M. R. NIȚĂ, S.R. GRĂDINARU, C. A. HOSSU, D. A. ONOSE (2016): Urban Green Spaces per Capita a Valuable Target to Achieve Cities’ Sustaniability Goals? Romania as a Case Study. In: Ecological Indicators 79, S. 53-66.
MCPHEARSON T., ST. T. A. PICKETT, N. B. GRIMM, J. NIEMELÄ, M. ALBERTI, T. ELMQVIST, CH. WEBER, D. HAASE, J. BREUSTE U. S. QURESHI (2016): Advancing Urban Ecology toward a Science of Cities. In: BioScience Vol. 66 (3). 2016, S. 198-212.
WANG, H., S. QURESHI, B.A. QURESHI, J. QIU, C.R. FREIDMAN, J. BREUSTE U. X. WANG (2016): A multivariate analysis integrating ecological, socioeconomic and physical characteristics to investigate urban forest cover and plant diversity in Beijing, China. Urban Forestry and Urban Greening. In: Ecological Indicators 60 (2016) S. 921–929
b) Others
HOF, A., S. HÜRTGEN U. S. STIEGER (2016): Geographiedidaktische Überlegungen zu Basiskonzepten des Unterrichtsfachs GWK unter kritischem Bezug auf sozial-konstruktivistische Raumkonzepte und digitale Geomedien – ein Diskussionsbeitrag. In: GW-Unterricht 1, S. 127-137.
SCHIRMANN, A. U. A. HOF (2016): Gezielte urbane Freiraumgestaltung wider den Hitzestress – prospektiv-modellierende mikroklimatische Analysen zur innerstädtischen Freiraumgestaltung. In: Berichte. Geographie und Landeskunde (bis 2012: Berichte zur deutschen Landeskunde) 89 (3), S. 237-256.
Contributions in Collected Editions:
BREUSTE, J. (2016): Was sind die Besonderheiten des Lebensraumes Stadt und wie gehen wir mit Stadtnatur um? In: BREUSTE, J., S. PAULEIT, D. HAASE U. M. SAUERWEIN (2016): Stadtökosysteme. Funktion, Management, Entwicklung. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, S. 85 – 128.
BREUSTE, J. (2016): Wie sieht die Ökostadt von morgen aus und welche Wege führen dahin?. In: BREUSTE, J., S. PAULEIT, D. HAASE U. M. SAUERWEIN (2016): Stadtökosysteme. Funktion, Management, Entwicklung. Sprin-ger-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, S. 207 – 244.
BREUSTE, J. U. S. QURESHI (2016): Quantification of Ecosystem Services of Urban Green Spac-es: A methodological Framework. In: Pro-ceedings of the Intern. Asea-Uninet Scientific Meeting 15th February 2016, Denpasar, Indonesia.
BREUSTE, J., D. HAASE, S. PAULEIT U. M. SAUERWEIN (2016): Wie verwundbar sind Stadtökosysteme und wie kann mit ihnen urbane Resilienz entwickelt werden? In: : BREUSTE, J., S. PAULEIT, D. HAASE U. M. SAUERWEIN (2016): Stadtökosysteme. Funktion, Management, Entwicklung. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, S. 165 – 206.
BREUSTE, J., D. HAASE, S. PAULEIT U. M. SAUERWEIN (2016): Worum geht es bei Stadtökologie und ihren Anwendungen in der Stadtentwicklung? In: BREUSTE, J. ; S. PAULEIT; D. HAASE; M. SAUERWEIN (2016): Stadtökosysteme. Funktion, Management, Entwicklung. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, S. 245 – 254.
BREUSTE, J., M. ARTMANN (2015): Cultural benefits from allotment gardens in Salzburg, Austria. In: Langemeyer, J.: Urban Ecosystem Services. The Value of Green Spaces in Cities. Stockholm, Stockholm Resilience Centre, S. 86 – 87.
FAGGI, A. U. J. BREUSTE (2016): Mendoza metropolitan y sus estrategias de adaptación al cambio climático. In: Nail, S. (ed.) (2016): Cambio climatico: Lecciones de y para Ciudades de America Latina. Bogota: Universidad Externado de Colombia, S. 277 – 294. Número de páginas: 852.
PAULEIT, S., M. SAUERWEIN U. J. BREUSTE (2016): Urbanisierung und ihre Herausforderungen für die ökologische Stadtentwicklung. In: BREUSTE, J., S. PAULEIT, D. HAASE U. M. SAUERWEIN (2016): Stadtökosysteme. Funktion, Management, Entwicklung. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, S. 1 – 30.
XUE, F., J. BREUSTE, R. YANG, U. J. ZHAO. Green Spaces in Beijing City and People’s Utilization with Perception along the Historical Waterway – Supply and Demand of Urban Ecosystem


ARTMANN, M. (2015): Managing urban soil sealing in Munich and Leipzig (Germany) – from a wicked problem to clumsy solutions. In: Land Use Policy 46: 21-37 doi: 10.1016/j.landusepol.2015.02.004
ARTMANN, M. & J. BREUSTE (2015): Cities built for and by residents – soil sealing Management in the eyes of urban dwellers in Germany. In: Journal of Urban Planning and Development. Vol. 141, Issue 3, A5014004
ANDERSSON, E., MCPHEARSON, T., KREMER, P., GOMEZ-BAGGETHUN, E., HAASE, D., TUVENDAL, M., WURSTER, D. (2015): Scale and context dependence of ecosystem service providing units. In: Ecosystem Services, Vol. 12, pp. 157-164. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoser.2014.08.001
BREUSTE, J. & M. ARTMANN (2015): Allotment gardens contribute to urban ecosystem service: case study Salzburg, Austria. In: Journal of Urban Planning and Development. Vol. 141, Issue 3, A5014005
BREUSTE, J. & M. ARTMANN (2015): Allotment gardens contribute to urban ecosystem service: case study Salzburg, Austria. In: Journal of Urban Planning and Development. Vol. 141, Issue 3, A5014005
BREUSTE, J. & A. RAHIMI (2015): Many public parks, but who profits from them? The example of Tabriz, Iran. In: Journal for Ecological Processes, Vol. 4, Issue 6, pp. 1-15. doi: 0.1186/s13717-014-0027-4
HANSEN, R., FRANTZESKAKI, N., MCPHEARSON, T., RALL, E., KABISCH, N., KACZOROWSKA, A., KAIN, J.H., ARTMANN, M., PAULEIT, S. (2015): The uptake of the ecosystem services concept in planning discourses of European and American cities. In: Ecosystem Services, Vol. 12, pp. 228-246. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoser.2014.11.013
HENSEKE, A. & J. BREUSTE (2015): Climate change sensitive residential areas and their adaptation capacities by urban green changes: Case Study of Linz, Austria. In: Journal of Urban Planning and Development, Vol. 141, Issue 3, A5014007
HOF, A. & M. BLÁZQUEZ- SALOM (2015): Changing tourism patterns, capital accumulation, and urban water consumption in Mallorca, Spain. A sustainability fix? In: Journal of Sustainable Tourism, Vol. 23, Issue 5, pp. 770–796. doi: 10.1080/09669582.2014.991397
JOHNSON, B., FAGGI, A., VOIGT, A., SCHNELLINGER, J.,BREUSTE, J. (2015): Environmental Perception among Residents of a Polluted W atershed in Buenos Aires. In: Journal of Urban Planning and Development, Vol. 141, Issue 3, A5014002
VOIGT, A. & D. WURSTER (2015): Does Diversity Matter? The experience of urban nature’s diversity: case study and cultural concept. In: Ecosystem Services, Vol. 12, pp. 200-208. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoser.2014.12.005
XIE, M, GAO, Y., CAO, Y., BREUSTE, J., FU, M., TONG, D. (2014): Dynamics and temperature regulation function of urban green connectivity. In: Journal of Urban Planning and Development, Vol. 141, Issue 3, A5014008
ANWAR, M. M., BREUSTE, J. H., AHMAD, T., JABEEN, M., RANI, M., BAIG, A. W., NAWAZ, R. (2015): Measuring the accessibility of urban park by using GIS Techniques: A case study of Bahawalpur City, Pakistan. In: Sindh University Research Journal (Science Series), Vol. 47, No 2, pp. 69-74.
BREUSTE, J.H., QURESHI, S. & F. XUE (2015): Urban ecosystems: functions, services and sustainable management. In: Journal Ecocity and Green Building, Academic Research, Beijing, pp. 42 – 52.
BREUSTE, J., ARTMANN, M., LI, J., XIE, M. (2015): Special Issue on Green Infrastructure for Urban Sustainability. In: Journal of Urban Planning and Development, Vol. 141, Issue 3, A2015001
BREUSTE, J. & A. HENSEKE (2015): Demand and potential of urban green infrastructure for the adaption to the climate change in ‘climate change sensitive residential areas (CCSRA)’ of the City of Linz. In: Proceedings of the International Workshop on “Urban Climate Change and Community Resilience” October 24, 2013 at the Faculty of Architecture, Kasetsart University and Koh Kret, Nonthaburi October 25, 2013 at the Social Research Institute, Chulalongkorn University, 21 pages
HOF, A. (2015): Residenzialtourismus auf Mallorca: urban-touristische Raumproduktion und regionale Muster. In: Europa Regional 21.2013 (2015) 3, S. 107–121. http://nbnresolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0168-ssoar-439262
HOF, A. (2015): Modelling gardens as socialecological systems using geodata – the example of watering and landscaping of urban ecosystems. In: JEKEL, J., CAR, A., STROBL, J., GRIESEBNER, G. (Eds.): GI_Forum 2015. Geospatial Minds for Society. Berlin, Wichmann, pp. 614–624.
HOF, A. & T. SCHMITT (2015): Geographie. In: DABAG, M., HALLER, D., JASPERT, N., LICHTENBERGER, A. (Hrsg.): Handbuch der Mediterranistik. Systematische Mittelmeerforschung und disziplinäre Zugänge. Paderborn, Schöningh, pp. 107-128.
HURSTHOUSE, A., VOIGT, A., BREUSTE, J., KÜLVIK, M., LEITAO, T., LATKOWSKA, M., PONIZY, L. (2015) Urban allotment gardeners: a Picture of European behaviour and implications for future risk assessment of urban soils. In: Book of abstracts, 31st SEGH 2015 International Conference of the Society for Environmental Geochemistry and Health, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, June 22-26, 2015, 102 pages, p. 22.
VOIGT, A., LATKOWSKA, M., RUTECKA, A., PONIZY, L., MIZGAJSKI, A., BREUSTE, J., HAAS, K., ARTMANN, M., HURSTHOUSE, A., AGBOOLA, A.J., KÜLVIK, M., OLONEN, A., LEITAO, T., COASTA, H. (2015): Environmental behavior of urban allotment gardeners in Europe. Landscape in Flux. In: Proceedings. Department of Landscape Architecture, Estonian University of Life Science. Tartu, Estonia, pp. 78-82.
