Hydrogeological field and laboratory devices
Field equipment
- WTW Multi 350: pH, Temp., el. Cond., O2
- MyronL TPH1 TechPro II: Handhelds pH, Temp., el. Cond.
- SEBA MPS-D8: pH, Temp., el. Cond., O2, water level in groundwater wells up to 50m depth
- SEBA electricel contact gauge for grundwater wells up to 100m depth
- Pump for wells up to 100m depth
- SEBA Dipper: Datalogger for continuous messurement of water level and temperature
- Sommer Q-Trace tracer thinning measurement: to determine discharge of turbulent streams
- OTT hydrometric vane to determine discharge of laminar streams
- Watersam: automatic water sampler
- Field-fluorometer to meassure tracer concentrations

- Ionenchromatography Thermo Fisher – (anion and cation concentrations in water samples)
- Photometer Aqualytic (anion and cation concentrations in water samples)
- automatic titrator Titroline 5000 (HCO3-)
- pH-Ion: Ionenselective Elektrode Na+ WTW
- high purity water facility Sartorius