2nd – 4th Oktober 2024

in Salzburg

Tagungszentrum St. Virgil

The SIL-Austria meemng “Freshwater Ecosystems in a Changing World” will take place in Salzburg from the 2 to the 4 October 2024 in the St. Virgil conference centre. The preliminary program can be found here.

Click here to register:  REGISTRATION

The registration fee is:

  • Members of SIL-Austria 160 € 
  • Non-member sof SIL-Austria 210 € 
  • Students and “Early Career Researchers”* (members of SIL-Austria) 90 € 
  • Students and “Early Career Researchers” (non-members of SIL-Austria) 125 € 

* post-docs and research collaborators until 5 years after having obtained their degrees. 

The registration fee includes the conference fee, the coffee breaks, lunch on Thurs. and Fri. as well as dinner on Wed. On Thurs. evening there will be the possibility to partake in a dinner at a local restaurant. We plan to combine this with a walk to the restaurant. 

Registration is possible until 30 June 2024. With the registration it is possible to submit an application to present a poster or talkThe meeting language will be English, but, if necessary, the presentation may be in German. 

This yeartwo “Ruttner prizes” will again be awarded. The prizes for the best Masterthesis will be €250 and for the best dissertation, €500. Please submit your application for this prize by 1 June 2024. Please note that at time of the application, the applicant must be a member of SIL-Austria. The details about the prize application can be found 

Rooms have been reserved for the meeting at the St. Virgil conference centre. 2 nights with breakfast will cost €148 per person in a double room, and €178 in a single room. The rooms will be held for the meeting until 19 August. Therefore, please book your room as early as possible (!!) by directly contacting the St. Virgil conference centre either by email or telephone, mentioning that the reservation is in connection with the meeting and the University of Salzburg: 
or T. +43 662 65901- 0. 

On the webpage of Salzburg tourist information ( there can be found a broad spectrum of further accommodation possibilities.  

The following webpage has information regarding the location of the conference centre and public transport: 

Please pay the conference fees at the latest by 31 July 2024.

Universität Salzburg, IBAN AT23 1200 0069 5383 4602, BIC BKAUATWW, ATU 57532824
Please do not forget to include in reference field PVA186001_04 and your name. 


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