Young Investigators Award – Procedure
Selection for the oral presentation (shortlist)
Submissions – primarily on the basis of the submitted abstracts – will be assessed (rated) according to the following 9 criteria:
Aspect A: Topic of the dissertation
1) Originality: the topic of the dissertation has a certain (positive) unique selling point and captivates with an original research question.
2) Academic relevance: The work makes a significant methodological or content-related contribution to the topic of academic relevance: The topic has great potential for the corresponding field, i.e. it promises an influence on the future (e.g. through the development of new approaches/methods that promise new insights or a scientific problem-solving capacity).
3) Social relevance: The topic has high relevance by contributing in a significant way to the „solution of the problems of human society and its prosperous development“ [citation from doctoral oath].
Aspect B: Scientific quality
4) Methodological approach: The dissertation is characterised by a convincing methodological concept, the application of the methods (incl. interpretation of the results) is carried out at a high level.
5) Theory: The work is linked to the current discourse and knowledge in the respective field.
6) The abstract connects different components (current state of research/theory/methodology) in a coherent way.
Aspect C: Abstract preparation
7) Structure: the abstract is well structured and has a clear conclusion.
8) Content: The dissertation project is presented in an understandable and well-argued manner, and the relevance and background are clearly communicated.
9) Language: The abstract should be written in a way that is understandable (i.e. also comprehensible for academics from outside the research area) without abbreviating the content in a misleading way.
Evaluation is carried out individually by the jury members on a scale of 1 (exceptionally good) – 5 (unsatisfactory). In the event of bias (supervisory relationship, joint research or publication activity, relationship, etc.), a jury member will abstain from the evaluation (also in the next stages).
The results form the basis for the jury’s discussion and decision on who will be invited to an oral presentation. At least three persons must be invited to the oral presentation, five or more are recommended.
Oral presentation
Candidates present their dissertation project in a hearing open to the public, with a presentation time of 8 minutes and 6 minutes time for discussion. The presentation can be given in English or German. The jury will communicate requirements as necessary. Slides or similar presentation aids are permitted.
The presentation assessment focuses on the candidates‘ ability to communicate their dissertation topic or results to a scientifically educated, but not necessarily subject-related audience in a given time.
Overall assessment
The overall assessment combines stage 2 and 3 to provide a combined assessment of the quality of the work and the presentation. The jury decides on the awarding of first, second and third place.
The result must be treated confidentially by all jury members and reported by the chairperson to Susanne Höll (susaQ._nne.UnthoellmBd@plus4om.ackcg.at9kc), who will coordinate and invite candidates to the Night of Excellence ceremony.
Audience Award
At the award ceremony during the Night of Excellence, the first-ranked in each category will present their topic in the form of a science slam in the most entertaining and catchy way possible to the (lay) audience, who will then vote online to award the audience award, an additional prize.