Faculty & externe Expert/inn/en (Cognitive Neuroscience)

DSP Cognitive Neuroscience: Faculty
BLECHERT, Jens Psychology, CCNS Coordinator
HÖDLMOSER, Kerstin Psychology, CCNS Deputy coordinator
WEISZ, Nathan Psychology, CCNS Deputy coordinator
BRAUN, Mario Psychology, CCNS Faculty
HÖLLER, Yvonne Neurology, CCNS Faculty
HUTZLER, Florian Psychologie, CCNS Faculty
KERSCHBAUM, Hubert Biology, CCNS Faculty
KRONBICHLER, Martin Psychology, CCNS Faculty
PERNER, Josef Psychology, CCNS Faculty
PLETZER, Belinda Psychology, CCNS Faculty
RÖHM, Dietmar Linguistics, CCNS Faculty
SCHABUS, Manuel Psychology, CCNS Faculty
TRINKA, Eugen Neurology Faculty
WILHELM, FrankPsychologyFaculty
External Experts
BRAET Caroline, Prof. Dr.  University of Gent,
VOEGELE Claus, Prof. Dr. University of Luxemburg,
FINLAYSON Graham PhDUniversity of Leeds
HELDMANN Marcus, Dr. University of Lübeck,
YANAGIDA Takuya, Dr. University of Vienna, Austria
ZIEGLER Johannes, Dr. CNRS, Marseille,
JACOBS Arthur, Prof. Dr. Freie Universität Berlin,
Van SOMEREN, Eus University of Amsterdam,
The Netherlands
SADEH Avi, Prof. Dr. The School of
Psychological Sciences, Tel Aviv
University, Israel
TAROKH Leila, PhD Department of Child and
Adolescent Psychiatry, Bern
University Hospital, Switzerland
PEIGNEUX Philippe, Prof. Dr. Unité de Recherches en
Neuropsychologie et
Neuroimagerie Fonctionnelle,
Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
FELL Jürgen, PD Dr. University of Bonn, Germany
MORMANN Florian, Prof. Dr.  University of Bonn, Germany
JACOBS-Le Van Julia, Prof. Dr. University of Freiburg, Germany
CARREIRAS Manuel, Prof. Dr. Basque Center on Cognition,
Brain and Language, Spain
JACOBS Arthur, Prof. Dr. Dahlem Institute for the
Neuroscience of Emotion,
Free University of Berlin,
MC ARTHUR Genevieve, Prof. Dr. Department of Cognitive Science,
Macquarie University,
CAHILL Larry, Prof. Dr. Center for the Neurobiology
of Learning and Memory, 
University of California, USA
HOEFT Fumiko, MD, PhD

Department of Psychiatry,
University of California, USA

WEISKOPF Nikolaus, PhD Wellcome Trust Centre for
Neuroimaging, University
College London, UK
DEVILN Joseph T., PhD Cognitive, Perceptual and
Brain Sciences, University
College London, UK
RECANATI Francois, Prof. Dr. Institut Jean Nicod, Ecole
Normal Superieur, Paris
KOVÁCS Ágnes, Dr. Department of Cognitive
Science, Central European
University, Budapest.
HAMILTON Antonia, Dr. Institue of Cognitive
Neuroscience, University
College London, UK
Ina, Prof. Dr.
School of Psychology, Social
Work and Social Policy,
University of South Australia,
WILBUR Ronnie B., Prof. Dr. Speech, Language, and
Hearing Sciences Department,
Purdue University, USA
Dr. Prof.
Department of English and
Linguistics, Johannes Gutenberg
University Mainz, Germany
MAQUET Pierre, Prof. Dr. Department of Neurology,
Cyclotron Research Centre,
Université de Liège, Belgium
BÄUML Karl-Heinz T., Prof. Dr. Department of Psychology, 
Regensburg University, Germany
JENSEN Ole, Prof. Dr. Donders Institute for Brain,
Cognition and Behavior,
Radboud University, The
WALKER Matthew, Prof. Dr. Institute of Neurology, Faculty
of Brain Sciences, University
College London, UK
KOEPP Matthias, Prof. Dr. Institute of Neurology, Faculty
of Brain Sciences, University
College London, UK
RYVLIN Philippe, Prof. Dr. Hôpital Neurologique,
Hospices Civils de Lyon, France
EHLERS Anke, Prof. Dr. Oxford Centre for Anxiety
Disorders and Trauma,
Department of Experimental
Psychology, University of
Oxford, UK
MICHAEL, Tanja, Prof. Dr. Department of Psychology, 
Division of Clinical Psychology
and Psychotherapy, University
Saarbrücken, Germany
SPOORMAKER, Victor, PhD Max-Plack-Institute for
Psychiatry, Munich, Germany

TIMKO Alix C., PhD

Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, USA