The Salzburg Easter School is an annual, high-profile PhD-forum for young researchers, both doctoral and advanced MA level, and artists from all over the world who wish to share and deepen their research in a transdisciplinary environment bringing academia and the arts together in one of Europe’s leading cultural cities.
SEAS is dedicated to the dialogue of cultural theory and artistic practice and aims to foster the understanding of cultural diversity and traditions. By opening regional arts productions to global debates, the Salzburg Easter School bridges the gap between cultural and literary theory and cultural events, stage productions and performances.
SEAS offers workshops in festival management, seminars and discussions with Europe’s creative and theatrical elite, as well as exclusive access to Salzburg’s cultural institutions. Previous workshops have included topics such as innovation in the arts, carnival cultures, mirrors and doubles and critical perspectives as well as in-depth musical and dramaturgical introductions to productions. Participants will be offered the opportunity to present their own research in poster and oral contributions and can expect interesting, relevant and engaging dialogue.
SEAS is held in the context of the prestigious  Salzburg Easter Festival and offers participants the unique opportunity to experience the Festival’s fringe, including behind-the-scenes insights into the opera production with exclusive access to the dress rehearsal of the annual opera production.
SEAS is held annually in spring on the premises of Salzburg University and takes place in the historic city centre of Salzburg. The total cost amounts to €300, which includes all sessions and the cultural fringe, coffee breaks and daily lunch as well as a SEAS dinner. Accommodation can be arranged by the organisers in Salzburg’s historic city at a very reasonable rate.
SEAS participants will receive a certificate and a copy of their poster and become members of the alumni-network.


Salzburg Easter School 2020 (planned)

2020 Salzburg Easter School
In the context of the Salzburg Easter Festival
30 March-03 April 2020, Universität Salzburg
Versions and Revisions
Call for Papers (dt)
Call for Papers (en)
SEAS Folder

Salzburg Easter School 2019

2019 Salzburg Easter School
In the context of the Salzburg Easter Festival
8-12 April 2019, Universität Salzburg
Künstler als Protagonisten | The Artist as Protagonist
Call for Papers (dt)
Call for Papers (en)
SEAS Folder

Salzburg Easter School 2018

2018 Salzburg Easter School
In the context of the Salzburg Easter Festival
19-23 March 2018, Universität Salzburg
The Changing Aesthetic of Innovation
 Call for Papers

Salzburg Easter School 2017

2017 Salzburg Easter School
In the context of the Salzburg Easter Festival
19-23 March 2018, Universität Salzburg
The Changing Aesthetic of Innovation
 Call for Papers

Salzburg Easter School 2016

2016 Salzburg Easter School
In the context of the Salzburg Easter Festival
14-18 March 2016, Universität Salzburg
Doubles & Mirrors: Aesthetics and Festival Futures
 Call for Papers

Salzburg Easter School 2015

2015 Salzburg Easter School
In the context of the Salzburg Easter Festival
23-27 March 2015, Universität Salzburg
Feasting and Fasting – Carnival Cultures
 Call for Papers

Salzburg Easter School 2014

2014 Salzburg Easter School
First international, interdisciplinary PhD-forum as part of the  conference „Magie – Formen und künstlerische Strategien“


Salzburg Easter School Alumni


  • Áron Bakos (Babeș-Bolyai-Universität Cluj, Rumänien)
  • Christine Blank (Universität Wien)
  • Christina Grabner (PLUS)
  • Judith Hartl (PLUS)
  • Christopher Herzog (PLUS)
  • Eva-Maria Kubin (PLUS)
  • Marija Emilija Kukubajska (Goce Delčev University of Štip, Mazedonien)
  • Katarina Labudova (Catholic University in Ružomberok, Slowakei)
  • Vanessa Nühnen (PLUS)
  • Johanna Öttl (PLUS)
  • Silvia Papadopoulos (Musikakademie Gheorghe Dima in Cluj-Napoca, Rumänien)
  • Martin Ševčovič (EURODOC (Europäische Vereinigung für Doktoratskandidaten und Nachwuchsforscher), Slowakei)
  • Laura Steinacker (PLUS)
  • Alex Suciu (Musikakademie Gheorghe Dima in Cluj-Napoca, Rumänien)


  • Adéla Branná (Masaryk University Brno, Tschechien)
  • Paul Fagan (PLUS)
  • Christina Grabner (PLUS)
  • Judith Hartl (PLUS)
  • Christopher Herzog (PLUS)
  • Willeke Hoekstra (PLUS)
  • Krisztina Mária Kálman (PLUS)
  • Barbora Kašpárková (Masaryk University Brno, Tschechien)
  • Fruzsina Kovács (Péter Pázmány University Budapest, Ungarn)
  • Eva-Maria Kubin (PLUS)
  • Katarina Labudova (Catholic University of Ružomberok, Slowakei)
  • Sanda Mehulic (PLUS)
  • Gabriel Negraschus (PLUS)
  • Caitlyn Rhodes (PLUS)
  • Johanna Steiner (PLUS)
  • Katrin Suhren (Universität Hamburg, Deutschland)
  • Alžběta Zedníková (Masaryk University Brno, Tschechien)
  • David Zelený (Masaryk University Brno, Tschechien)


  • Adéla Branná (Masaryk University Brno, Tschechien)
  • Constanze Coelsch-Foisner (University of Aberdeen, Schottland)
  • Veronika Dírerová (Catholic University of Ružomberok)
  • Dalma Galambos (Péter Pázmány University Budapest, Ungarn)
  • Milada Franková (Masaryk University Brno, Tschechien)
  • Tomáš Kačer (Masaryk University Brno, Tschechien)
  • Barbora Kašpárková (Masaryk University Brno, Tschechien)
  • Katarína Labudová (Catholic University of Ružomberok, Slowakei)
  • Zsigmond Lakó (University of Debrecen, Ungarn)
  • Caterina Pan (PLUS)
  • Julia Pauss (PLUS)
  • Helen Harriett Ploderer (PLUS)
  • Yahya Sarsam (PLUS)
  • Nóra Séllei (University of Debrecen, Ungarn)
  • Elisabeth Skardarasy (PLUS)
  • Johanna Steiner (PLUS)
  • Alžběta Zedníková (Masaryk University Brno, Tschechien)
  • Barbora Zuskinová (Masaryk University Brno, Tschechien)


  • Regina Genée (PLUS)
  • Eva Kiesel (PLUS)
  • Magdalena Mayrhofer (PLUS)
  • Eva Nedwed (PLUS)
  • Caterina Pan (PLUS)
  • Ivona Schöfrová (Masaryk University Brno, Tschechien)
  • Elisabeth Skardarasy (PLUS)
  • Tomáš Varga (Masaryk University Brno, Tschechien)
  • Miroslav Vrzal (Masaryk University Brno, Tschechien)
  • Tereza Walsbergerová (Masaryk University Brno, Tschechien)
  • Barbora Zuskinová (Masaryk University Brno, Tschechien)


  • Jane Ekstam (Østfold University College, Norwegen)
  • Paul Fagan (PLUS)
  • Dalma Galambos (Péter Pázmány University Budapest, Ungarn)
  • Neha Hooda (University of Debrecen, Ungarn)
  • Je Jiyun (PLUS)
  • Eva-Maria Kubin (PLUS)
  • Christoph Laible (PLUS)
  • Jessica Lichtenberger (PLUS)
  • Armin Lippitz (Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt)
  • Lukas Moltinger (PLUS)
  • Eva Nedwed (PLUS)
  • Veronika Nogolová (Pavol Jozef Šafárik University Košice, Slowakei)
  • Caterina Pan (PLUS)
  • Felix Schniz (Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt)
  • Cecilia Servatius (PLUS)
  • Sara Schneider (PLUS)
  • Johanna Steiner (PLUS)
  • Adél Tóth (University of Debrecen, Ungarn)
  • Kerstin Turnheim (Universität Mozarteum; PLUS)

2020 (geplant)

  • Soukayana Alami (University of Debrecen, Ungarn)
  • Fiona Williams (University of Dundee, Schottland)
  • Fatma Chenini (University of Debrecen, Ungarn)
  • Dalma Galambos (Péter Pázmány University Budapest, Ungarn)
  • Anna Mikysková (Masaryk University Brno, Tschechien)
  • Daniela Smardová (Masaryk University Brno, Tschechien)
  • Lenka Zárská (Masaryk University Brno, Tschechien)