Doctoral students (DSP BimA)

DSP BimA: Overview
Doctoral Students Topic / Title Department
Dániel Kovács Steps to a new and fully developed framework model of stress and motivation: The Job Demands-Resource-(Dis)stress-Motivation Model 2.0 Psychology
Karoline Leberbauer Psychische Belastungen am Arbeitsplatz (working title) Psychology
Katrin Wetsch Arbeitnehmerrechte 4.0? Entgrenzung von Arbeit und Privatsphäre
Employment and Economic Law
Sonja Breuer
Effects of test and response format on psychometric characteristics of psychological achievement tests, considering test taker’s personality traits (working title) Psychology
DSP BimA: Successfully completed dissertation projects
Doctoral Students Topic / Title Department
Markus Ellmer Sociomaterial perspectives on the consequences of digital HRM practices for people working and managing in organisations Social Sciences and Economics
Sabine Junker The relative effectiveness of coaching and training interventions in improving work-related performance and individual functioning:
A comparative evaluation
Christian Kandler Steuerliche Behandlung der betrieblichen Altersvorsorge in Österreich: empirische Evidenz und Entwicklungspotenziale. Social Sciences
and Economics
Adrian Lüders The times they are a changin´: Examining the role of (frustrated) psychological needs in pressing socio-political events Psychology
Isabella Scheibmayr  HRM’s gendered agency: How gender informs the double agency of Human Resource Management and influences its position Social Sciences and Economics
Sandra Schiemann What do you need and how can I support you? The importance of the autonomy need in coaching and the coach’s empathy and trust as an autonomy need support. Psychology