DSP – Doctorate School PLUS
Doctorate School PLUS research groups
The aim of the internally established DSP research groups is to network doctoral candidates from different subjects or departments who are working on similar topics and to provide them with broad support for their dissertation project through members of the faculty and external experts. In the research groups, support measures are implemented in a target group-oriented manner. The associations enable team supervision, for example, but also targeted support for research projects. In addition, doctoral candidates are perceived as young researchers and are accordingly supported in the development, formulation and implementation of their own career goals. At the same time, doctoral students within the DSP research groups are introduced to the international scientific community through the internationally staffed expert councils and the networks of the participating faculty members. Research groups organise various activities, whereby the concrete form of cooperation in the research group and the events offered varies.
Third-party funded doctoral programmes
Active participation in research projects is of particular importance for the training of young researchers. Doctoral programmes, which enable doctoral students to benefit directly from cutting-edge research, are particularly noteworthy in this regard. The university now has six doctoral programmes funded by third-party funds. Three of them are FWF-funded.
Advisory board of the Doctorate School PLUS
The advisory board is responsible for the further development and expansion of structured doctoral training at PLUS.
The Coordination Office of the Doctorate School PLUS
In addition to coordinating and networking the structured internal doctoral programmes, the Doctorate School PLUS, in cooperation with the QE Doctoral Studies Working Group, initiates accompanying measures and offers that are intended to contribute to the further qualitative development of doctoral education as a whole at the University of Salzburg. As coordinators of the DSP, we also see it as our task to provide you with various information and links to further information on the doctorate. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.