All curricula are provided in german language only
Curriculum for the “Diplomstudium “ Katholische Fachtheologie” at the Paris Lodron-University of Salzburg (Version 2011)
Curriculum for the “Diplomstudium “ Katholische Fachtheologie” at the Paris Lodron-University of Salzburg (Version 2020)
Curriculum for the “ Bachelorstudium Katholische Religionspädagogik” at the faculty of catholic theology of the Paris Lodron-University of Salzburg (Version 2020)
Curriculum for the “ Masterstudium Katholische Religionspädagogik” at the faculty of catholic theology of the Paris Lodron-University of Salzburg (Version 2020)
Curriculum for the Masterprogramme “ Religious Studies” at the University of Salzburg (Version 2016)
Curriculum for the” Bachelorstudium Lehramt Sekundarstufe” at the University of Salzburg (Version 2021)
Curriculum for the “ Masterstudium Lehramt Sekundarstufe” at the University of Salzburg (Version 2021)
Curriculum for the “ Doktoratsstudium der Philosophie in Religious Studies” at the University of Salzburg (Version 2017)
Curriculum for the “ Doktoratsstudium Katholische Theologie” at the University of Salzburg (Version 2017)
Curriculum for the “Bachelorstudium Christian Culture, Change & Communication” at the University of Salzburg (Version 2022)