Dear incoming students,

On the following page you can find all the English lectures offered by our department in summer semester 2023.

Please visit  PLUS-Online or contact the lecturer for further information regarding the individual course.

Public International Law

101.011 23S

Wim Zimmermann

Title: Public International Law and Case Studies

101.047 23S

W. Zimmermann & T. Martinelli

Title: International Dimensions of Law: Principles and Methods

101.013 23S

J. Pleiel & K. Schmalenbach

Title: Space Law

Public International Law

900.002 23S

Gudrun Zagel

Title: International Investment Protection

900.003 23S

Gudrun Zagel

Title: International Economic Law / Law of the WTO

101.092 23S

Ulrike Brandl

Title: United Nations System and Regional Organisations

Public International Law

101.072 23S

Magdalena Fuchs

Title: Regulating, (de)biasing and the law

101.042 23S

Ulrike Brandl

Title: The individual as a subject of International Law

Please Note!

Regarding our german courses

Most of our department’s german courses use english sources and literature. Please contact the individual lecturer for further information regarding language compatibility.

European Law

101.054 23S

Paul Weismann

Title: EU External Relations

101.035 23S

Anne Prickartz

Title: International and European Human Rights Law

101.020 23S

Paul Weissmann

Title: New Comprehensive International Trade Agreements and International Public Procurement Law

European Law


Günter Herzig

Title: EU Competition Law

101.002 23S

Günter Herzig

Title: European Law in Practice

101.047 23S

W. Zimmermann & T. Martinelli

Title: International Dimensions of Law: Principles and Methods