ACBN becomes CTBI – Welcome!


Transition ACBN to CTBI

The history of the CTBI began in 2003, when it was founded under the name „BioSciences and Health“. Over the years, the center expanded in both size and scope, with the immune system as an overarching focus and was renamed to „Allergy Cancer BioNano Research Center (ACBN)“. The ACBN was very successful over the years and contributed significantly to the establishment of the international FWF-funded graduate school „Inflammation in Cancer and Allergy (ICA)“, which has run for three full funding periods from 2008 until 2022. Finally, an international evaluation committee advised and encouraged us to focus our research on our field of strength – the immune system, cancer and their interactions in the tumor micro-environment. We decided to follow the committee’s suggestions to focus the Center. Therefore, ACBN is currently in process to be renamed to „Center for Tumor Biology and Immunology (CTBI)“. 

What is CTBI

The Center for Tumor Biology and Immunology (CTBI) is the largest of three Research Priority Areas within the University of Salzburg. The Center focuses on tumor biological and immunological processes and the interaction between cancer cells and the immune system.

The center includes groups from the Faculty of Natural and Life Sciences and the Faculty of Digital and Analytical Sciences and benefits from lively and fruitful collaborations between the groups. In our research we would like to understand how the immune system is involved in fighting cancer, what makes it defeated and, even worse, how it fuels cancer. To this end, we use a variety of methods ranging from protein crystallization over spatial omics and organoid technology to artificial intelligence, complemented by strong ties to clinical and industrial partners in Salzburg and beyond. At the Center we are driven by the motivation to detect cancer earlier, to predict treatment response and to find new ways to fight an still incurable disease.