Heinz Wimmer


Publications in peer-reviewed journals and edited books


Schurz, M, Sturm, D., Richlan, F., Kronbichler, M., Ladurner, G., & Wimmer, H. (2010). A dual-route perspective on brain activation in response to visual words: Evidence for a length by lexicality interaction in the visual word form area (VWFA). NeuroImage, 49, 2649-2661.

Wimmer, H., Schurz, M., Sturm, D., Richlan, F., Klackl, J., Kronbichler, M., & Ladurner, G. (in press). A Dual-Route Perspective on Poor Reading in a Regular Orthography: An fMRI Study. Cortex.


Hawelka, S., Gagl, B., & Wimmer, H. (in press). A dual-route perspective on eye movements of dyslexic readers. Cognition.
Richlan, F., Kronbichler, M., & Wimmer, H. (2009). Functional abnormalities in the dyslexic brain: A quantitative meta-analysis of neuroimaging studies. Human Brain Mapping, 30, 3299-3308.

Kronbichler, M., Klackl, J., Richlan, F., Schurz, M., Staffen, W., Ladurner, G., & Wimmer, H. (2009). On the Functional Neuroanatomy of Visual Word Processing: Effects of Case and Letter Deviance. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 21, 1-8.


Bergmann, J. & Wimmer, H. (2008). A dual-route perspective on poor reading in a regular orthography: Evidence from phonological and orthographic lexical decisions. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 25, 653-676.

Hawelka, S. & Wimmer, H. (2008). Visual target detection is not impaired in dyslexic readers. Vision Research, 48(6), 850-852.

Kronbichler, M., Wimmer, H., Staffen, W., Hutzler, F., Mair, A., & Ladurner, G. (2008). Developmental dyslexia: Gray matter abnormalities in the occipitotemporal cortex. Human Brain Mapping, 29, 613-625.

Landerl, K. & Wimmer, H. (2008). Development of word reading fluency and spelling in a consistent orthography: An 8-year follow-up. Journal of Educational Psychology, 100, 150-161.


Kronbichler, M., Bergmann, J., Hutzler, F., Staffen, W., Mair, A., Ladurner, G., & Wimmer, H. (2007). Taxi vs. Taksi: On orthographic word recognition in the left ventral occipitotemporal cortex. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 19, 1581-1594.


Hawelka, S, Huber, C., & Wimmer, H. (2006). Impaired visual processing of letter and digit strings in adult dyslexic readers. Vision Research, 46, 718-723

Hutzler, F., Kronbichler, M., Jacobs, A., & Wimmer, H. (2006). Perhaps correlational but not causal: No effect of dyslexic readers’ magnocellular system on their eye movements during reading. Neuropsychologia, 44, 637-648.

Kronbichler, M., Hutzler, F., Staffen, W., Mair, A., Ladurner, G., & Wimmer, H. (2006). Evidence for a dysfunction of left posterior reading areas in German dyslexic readers. Neuropsychologia, 44, 1823-1832.

Wimmer H. (2006). Don’t neglect reading fluency! Developmental Science, 9, 447-448.


Bergmann, J., Hutzler, F., Klimesch, W., & Wimmer, H. (2005). How is dysfluent reading reflected in the ERP? Journal of Neurolinguistics, 18, 153-165.

Hawelka, S. & Wimmer, H. (2005). Impaired visual processing of multi-element arrays is associated with increased number of eye movements in dyslexic reading. Vision Research, 45, 855-863.

Moll, K., Hutzler, F., & Wimmer, H. (2005). Developmental dyslexia in a regular orthography: A single case study. Neurocase, 11, 433-440.


Hutzler, F. & Wimmer, H. (2004). Eye movements of dyslexic children when reading in a regular orthography. Brain and Language, 89, 235-242.

Hutzler, F., Ziegler, J.C., Perry, C., Wimmer, H. , & Zorzi, M. (2004). Do current connectionist learning models account for reading development in different languages? Cognition, 91, 273-296.

Kronbichler, M., Hutzler, F., Wimmer, H., Mair, A., Staffen, W., & Ladurner, G. (2004). The visual word form area and the frequency with which words are encountered: Evidence from a parametric fMRI study. NeuroImage, 21, 946-953.

Sauseng, P., Bergmann, J., & Wimmer, H. (2004). When does the brain register deviances from standard word spellings? – An ERP study. Cognitive Brain Research, 20, 529-532.

Thaler, V., Ebner, E.-M., Wimmer, H., & Landerl, K. (2004). Training reading fluency in dysfluent readers with high reading accuracy: Word specific effects but low transfer to untrained words. Annals of Dyslexia, 54, 89-113.


Aro, M., & Wimmer, H. (2003). Learning to read: English in comparison to six more regular orthographies. Applied Psycholinguistics, 24, 621-635.

Raberger, T., & Wimmer, H. (2003). On the automaticity/cerebellar deficit hypothesis of dyslexia: balancing and continuous rapid naming in dyslexic and ADHD children. Neuropsychologia, 41, 1493-1497.

Kronbichler, M., Hutzler, F., & Wimmer, H. (2002). Dyslexia: Verbal impairments in the absence of magnocellular impairments. NeuroReport, 13, 617-620.

Mann, V., & Wimmer, H. (2002). Phoneme awareness and pathways into literacy: A comparison of German and American children. Reading and Writing, 15, 653-682.

Wimmer, H., & Mayringer, H. (2002). The reading rate deficit of German dyslexic children and surface dyslexia. In E. Hjelmquist & C. von Euler (Eds.), Dyslexia and literacy (pp. 117-125). London: Whurr Publishers Ltd.

Wimmer, H., & Mayringer, H. (2002). Dysfluent reading in the absence of spelling difficulties: A specific disability in regular orthographies. Journal of Educational Psychology, 94, 272-277.

Wimmer, H., Hutzler, F., & Wiener, C. (2002). Children with dyslexia and right parietal lobe dysfunction: event-related potentials in response to words and pseudowords. Neuroscience Letters, 331, 211-213.

Wimmer, H., & Kronbichler, M. (2002). Legasthenie: Neurokognitive Erklärungen auf dem Prüfstand. In G. Schulte-Körne (Ed.), Legasthenie: Zum aktuellen Stand der Ursachenforschung, der diagnostischen Methoden und der Förderkonzepte (pp. 89-99). Bochum: Winkler Verlag.

Mayringer, H., & Wimmer, H. (2002). No deficits at the point of hemispheric indecision. Neuropsychologia, 40, 701-704.


Klimesch, W., Doppelmayr, M., Wimmer, H., Schwaiger, J., Röhm, D., Gruber, W., Hutzler, F. (2001). Theta band power changes in normal and dyslexic children. Clinical Neurophysiology, 112, 1174-1185.

Klimesch, W., Doppelmayr, M., Wimmer, H., Gruber, W., Röhm, D. Schwaiger, J. & Hutzler, F. (2001). Alpha and beta power changes in normal and dyslexic children. Clinical Neurophysiology, 112, 1186-1195.

Wimmer; H. & Mayringer, H. (2001). Is the reading-rate problem of German dyslexic children caused by slow visual processes? In M. Wolf (Hrsg.), Dyslexia, fluency, and the brain. Timonium, Md.: York Press.


Wimmer, H., & Gschaider, A. (2000). Children’s understanding of belief: Why is it important to understand what happened? In P. Mitchel & K. J. Riggs (Eds.), Children’s reasoning and the mind(pp. 253-266). Hove. East Sussex: Psychology Press.

Wimmer, H., Mayringer, H., & Landerl, K. (2000). The double deficit hypothesis and difficulties in learning to read a regular orthography. Journal of Educational Psychology, 92 (4), 668 – 680.

Landerl, K., & Wimmer, H. (2000). Deficits in phoneme segmentation are not the core problem of dyslexia: Evidence from German and English children. Applied Psycholinguistics, 21, 243 – 262.

Mayringer, H., & Wimmer, H. (2000). Pseudoname learning by German-speaking children with dyslexia: evidence for a phonological learning deficit. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 75, 116-133.


Wimmer, H., Mayringer, H., & Raberger, T. (1999). Reading and balancing: Evidence against the automatization deficit explanation of developmental dyslexia. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 32, 473-478.

Wimmer, H., Landerl, K., & Frith, U. (1999). Learning to read German: Normal and impaired acquisition. In M. Harris & G. Hatano (Eds.), Learning to read and write: A cross-linguistic perspective (pp. 34-50). Cambridge University Press.

Mayringer, H., & Wimmer, H. (1999). Kognitive Defizite lese-rechtschreibschwacher Kinder (Cognitive deficits of children with reading and spelling difficulties). Kindheit und Entwicklung, 8, 141-146.

Raberger, T., & Wimmer, H. (1999). Ist Leseschwäche durch ein Automatisierungs-defizit verursacht? Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie, 13, 74-83.

Frith, U., Wimmer, H., & Landerl, K. (1998). Differences in phonological recoding in German- and English-speaking children. Scientific Studies of Reading, 2(1), 31-54.

Wimmer, H. & Landerl, K. (1998). Lese-Rechtschreib-Schwächen. In D. H. Rost (Ed.), Handwörterbuch Pädagogische Psychologie (pp. 322-327). Weinheim: Beltz Psychologie Verlags Union.

Wimmer, H., Mayringer, H., & Landerl, K. (1998). Poor reading: a deficit in skill-automatization or a phonological deficit? Scientific studies of Reading, 2 (4), 321-340.

Mayringer, H., Wimmer, H., & Landerl, K. (1998). Phonological skills and literacy acquisition in German. In P. Reitsma & L. Verhoeven (Eds.), Problems and interventions in literacy development. (pp. 147-161). Dordrecht: Kluwer.

Mayringer, H., Wimmer, H. & Landerl, K. (1998). Die Vorhersage früher Lese- und Rechtschreibschwierigkeiten: Phonologische Fertigkeiten als Prädiktoren. Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie, 30 (2), 57-69.

Wimmer, H., & Mayringer, H. (1998). False Belief Understanding in Young Children: Explanations Do Not Develop Before Predictions. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 22, 403-422.

Wimmer, H., & Mayringer, H. (1998). Response to Bartsch. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 22, 429-433.

Frith, U., Wimmer, H., & Landerl, K. (1998). Differences in phonological recoding in German- and English-speaking children. Scientific Studies of Reading, 2 (1), 31-54.

Landerl, K. & Wimmer, H. (1998). Lesenlernen bei deutsch- und englischsprachigen Kindern. Normaler und gestörter Leseerwerb. In R. Weingarten & H. Günter (Hrsg.), Schriftspracherwerb (pp 82-97). Baltmannsweiler: Schneider-Verlag Hohengehren.

Wimmer, H. (1997). En quoi l’apprentissage de l’orthograhe en allemand diffère-t-il de l’apprentissage en anglais? In L. Rieben, M. Fayol, C.A. Perfetti, Des orthographes et leur acquisition (pp125-145). Lausanne, Paris: Delachaux et Niestlé.

Landerl, K., Wimmer, H., & Frith, U. (1997). The impact of orthographic consistency on dyslexia: A German-English comparison. Cognition, 63, 315-334.

Wimmer, H. & Landerl, K. (1997). How learning to spell German differs from Learning to spell English. In C. A. Perfetti, L. Rieben, & M. Fayol (Eds.), Research, theory, and practice across languages (pp. 81-96). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.

Wimmer, H. & Frith, U. (1997). Reading difficulties among English and German children: same cause – different manifestation. In C. Pontecorvo (Ed.), Writing development. An interdisciplinary view (pp 259-271). Amsterdam, Philadelphia: John Benjamins Publishing Company.

Wimmer, H. (1996). Legasthenie – eine phonologische Störung? In Ch. Spiel, U. Kastner-Koller, & P. Deimann (Eds.), Motivation und Lernen aus der Perspektive lebenslanger Entwicklung (S. 75-85). Münster u.a.: Waxmann.

Wimmer, H. (1996). The nonword reading deficit in developmental dyslexia: Evidence from children learning to read German. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 60, 80-90.

Wimmer, H. (1996). The early manifestation of developmental dyslexia: Evidence from German children. Reading and Writing: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 8, 1-18.

Landerl, K., Frith, U., & Wimmer, H. (1996). Intrusion of orthographic knowledge on phoneme awareness: Strong in normal readers, weak in dyslexic readers. Applied Psycholinguistics, 17, 1-14.

Wimmer, H. (1995). Potere causale delle informazioni e comprensione della falsa credenza nei bambini: una revisione. In O. L. Sempio & A. Marchetti (Eds.), Il pensiero dell’altro (pp393-402). Milano: Raffaello Cortina Editore.

Wimmer, H., Hogrefe, J., & Sodian, B. (1995). Una seconda fase nella concezione infantile della vita mentale. In O. L. Sempio & A. Marchetti (Eds.), Il pensiero dell’altro (pp 373-392). Milano: Raffaello Cortina Editore.

Wimmer, H. (1995). From the perspective of a more regular orthography. Issues in Education, 1, 101-104.

Wimmer, H., Landerl, K., & Schneider, W. (1994). The role of rhyme awareness in learning to read a regular orthography. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 12, 469-484.

Wimmer, H., & Weichbold, V. (1994). Children’s Theory of Mind: Fodor’s Heuristics Examined. Cognition, 53, 45-57.

Wimmer, H., & Goswami, U. (1994). The influence of orthographic consistency on reading development: Word recognition in English and German children. Cognition, 51, 91-103.

Wimmer, H., & Frith, U. (1994). Reading difficulties among English and German children: Same cause – different manifestation. In U. Frith, G. Lüdi, M. Egli, & C.-A. Zuber (eds.), Proceedings of the workshop on contexts of literacy Vol. III (pp. 257-274). Straßbourg: Curop Science Foundation.

Landerl, K., & Wimmer, H. (1994). Phonologische Bewußtheit als Prädiktor für Lese- und Schreibfertigkeiten in der Grundschule. Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie, 8, 153-164.

Hummer, P., Wimmer, H., & Antes, G. (1993). On the origins of denial negation. Journal of Child Language, 20, 607-618.

Wimmer, H. (1993). Commentary on Perfetti, Georgi and Beck: Children without phonemic awareness before learning to read. Are they at risk? In H. Grimm & H. Skowronek (Eds.), Language acquisition problems and reading disorders: Aspects of diagnosis and intervention (pp. 211-218). Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter.

Wimmer, H. (1993). Characteristics of developmental dyslexia in a regular writing system. Applied Psycholinguistics, 14, 1-33.

Wimmer, H., Klampfer, B., & Frith, U. (1993). Lesenlernen bei englischen und deutschen Kindern. In H. Balhorn & H. Brügelmann (Hrsg.) Bedeutungen erfinden – im Kopf, mit Schrift und miteinander (S. 324-329). Konstanz: Faude.

Wimmer, H. (1993). L´acquisition de la lecture dans une orthographe plus réguliere que celle de l´anglais: points de divergence. In S. Brun-Bourguignon, & L. Dercourt (Eds.), Les actes de La Villette: Lecture-ecriture: acquisition (pp. 97-106). Paris: Éditions Nathan.

Landerl, K., Linortner, R., & Wimmer, H. (1992). Phonologische Bewußtheit und Schriftspracherwerb im Deutschen. Zeitschrift für Pädagogische Psychologie, 6, 17-33.

Wimmer, H., & Hartl, M. (1991). Against the Cartesian view on mind: Young children´s difficulty with own false belief. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 9, 125-138.

Wimmer, H., & Hartl, M. (1991). Erprobung einer phonologisch, multisensorischen Förderung bei jungen Kindern mit Lese-Rechtschreibschwierigkeiten. Heilpädagogische Forschung, 17, 74-79.

Wimmer, H., & Hummer, P. (1991) Störungen des Schriftspracherwerbs aus kognitionspsychologischer Sicht. In F. Klix, E. Roth, & E. van der Meer (Hg.), Kognitive Prozesse und geistige Leistung (pp. 169 – 184). Berlin: Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften.

Wimmer, H., Landerl, K., Linortner, R., & Hummer, P. (1991). The relationship of phonemic awareness to reading acquisition. More consequence than precondition but still important. Cognition, 40, 219-249.

Wimmer, H., Zwicker, T., & Gugg, D. (1991). Schwierigkeiten beim Lesen und beim Schreiben in den ersten Schuljahren. Befunde zur Persistenz und Verursachung. Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie, 23, 280-298.

Wimmer, H. (1990). A premature refutation of the logographic stage assumption: A critical comment on Stuart and Coltheart (1988). British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 8, 201-203.

Wimmer, H., Hartl, M., & Moser, E. (1990). Passen „englische“ Modelle des Schriftspracherwerbs auf „deutsche“ Kinder? Zweifel an der Bedeutung der logographischen Stufe. Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie, 22, 136-154.

Wimmer, H., & Hummer, P. (1990). How German speaking first graders read and spell: Doubts on the importance of the logographic stage. Applied Psycholinguistics, 11, 349-368.

Wimmer, H. (1989). Common-Sense Mentalismus und Emotion: Entwicklungspsychologische Implikationen. In E. Roth (Hrsg.) Denken und Fühlen (S. 56-66). Berlin: Springer.

Wimmer, H., Hogrefe, J., & Perner, J. (1988). Children’s understanding of informational access as source of knowledge. Child Development, 59, 386-397.

Wimmer, H., Hogrefe, J., & Sodian, B. (1988). A second stage in children’s conception of mental life: Understanding informational accesses as origins of knowledge and belief. In J. Astington, D. Olson & P. Harris (Eds.). Developing theories of mind (pp. 173-193). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Perner, J., & Wimmer, H. (1988). Misinformation and unexpected change: Testing the development of epistemic-state attribution. Psychological Research, 50, 191-197.

Sodian, B., & Wimmer, H. (1987). Children´s understanding of inference as source of knowledge. Child Development, 58, 424-433.

Perner, J., & Wimmer, H. (1987). Young children´s understanding of belief and communicative intention. Pakistan Journal of Psychological Research, 2, 17-41.

Perner, J., Leekam, S. R., & Wimmer, H. (1987). Three-year-olds’ difficulty with false belief: The case for a conceptual deficit. British Journal of Developmental Pschology, 5, 125-137.

Hogrefe, J., Wimmer, H., & Perner, J. (1986). Ignorance versus false belief: A developmental lag in attribution of epistemic states. Child Development, 57, 567-582.

Wimmer, H., & Gruber, S. (1986). Sind junge Kinder moralische Realisten? Die Überprüfung einer These Jean Piagets für den Fall der Lüge. In E. Daumenlang & J. Sauer (Hrsg.). Aspekte psychologischer Forschung (S. 179-190). Göttingen: Hogrefe.

Perner, J., & Wimmer, H. (1985). „John thinks that Mary thinks that …“. Attribution of second-order beliefs by 5 to 10 year old children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 39, 437-471.

Wimmer, H., Gruber, S., & Perner, J. (1985). Young children´s conception of lying: Moral intuition and the denotation and connotation of „to lie“. Developmental Psychology, 21, 993-995.

Wimmer, H., Gruber, S., & Perner, J. (1984). Young children´s conception of lying: Lexical realism – moral subjectivism. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 37, 1-30.

Perner, J., Kohlmann, R., & Wimmer, H. (1984). Young children´s recognition and use of the vertical and horizontal in drawings. Child Development, 55, 1637-1645.

Wimmer, H., & Perner, J. (1983). Beliefs about beliefs: Representation and constraining functions of wrong beliefs in young children´s understanding of deception. Cognition, 13, 103-128.

Wimmer, H., Wachter, J., & Perner, J. (1982). Cognitive autonomy of the development of moral evaluation of achievement. Child Development, 53, 668-676.

Wimmer, H. (1980). Children´s understanding of stories: Assimilation by a general schema for actions or coordination of temporal relations? In: Wilkening, F., Becker, J. & Trabasso, T. (Eds.). Information integration by children. Hillsdale, N.J.: Erlbaum.

Wimmer, H., & Tornquist, K. (1980). The role of metamemory and metamemory activation in the development of mnemonic performance. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 3, 71-81.

Wimmer, H. (1979). Processing of script deviations by young children. Discourse Processes, 2, 301-310.

Wimmer, H., Wachter, J., & Hampl, E. (1978). Zur Entwicklung des Verstehens von Diskursen: Das Bemerken von Inkonsistenzen. Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie, 10, 49-51.

Wimmer, H., Ziegler, H., & Roth, E. (1977). Die Entwicklung eines Tests intellektueller Lernfähigkeit für Vorschulkinder. Diagnostica, 23, 74-93.

Heimlich, H., & Wimmer, H. (1977). Hierarchische Rekonstruktionspläne als Bedingung der Gedächtnisentwicklung. Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie, 9, 10-19.

Tornquist, K., & Wimmer, H. (1977). Meta-Gedächtnis als Bedingung der Gedächtnisentwicklung. Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie, 9, 252-264.

Wimmer, H. (1977). Gedächtnis, Gedächtnisentwicklung und schulisches Lernen. Unterrichtswissenschaft, 5, 14-22.

Wimmer, H. (1976). Aspekte der Gedächtnisentwicklung. Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie, 8, 62-78.

Wimmer, H., Nasseri-Chapar, F., & Lukesch, H. (1975). Die Bedeutung soziokultureller, sprachlicher und kognitiver Merkmale für die Schulleistung von Schulanfängern. Psychologie in Erziehung und Unterricht, 22, 199-208.

Kleiter, G., & Wimmer, H. (1974). Information seeking in a multistage betting game. Archiv für Psychologie, 126, 213-230.