Forschungs- und Konferenzaktivitäten

Eindrücke ausgewählter Konferenzen

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Kaltenbrunner, Katharina; Stoetzer, Sandra (2024): Eliciting emotions through e-WOM: A lever for enhancing blood donations, 23. Congress on Public and Non Profit Marketing, Covilha, 2024. (Best Paper Award)

Freisinger, Elena; Oertel, Simon; Unfried, Michael; Zürn, Michael (2024): Temporal orientations and cognitive schemas: Unpacking the decision dynamics of top managers, Academy of Management Meeting, Chicago, 2024 (accepted).

Ehmke, Jennifer; Oertel, Simon (2024): Weaving histories and crafting futures: Cultural entrepreneurship and storytelling in new venture identity crafting, 40. EGOS Colloquium, Mailand, 2024 (accepted).

Hoffmann, Harry; Oertel, Simon (2024): Innovating sustainability: Divergent temporal dynamics in corporate narratives, 40. EGOS Colloquium, Mailand, 2024.

Leifeld, Lena; Poschmann, Philipp; Oertel, Simon (2024): Crafting authenticity: Balancing tradition and innovation in craft enterprises, 40. EGOS Colloquium, Mailand, 2024.

Katharina, K. & Stötzer, S. (2024): E-WOM: Elektronische Mund-zu-Mund Propaganda im Blutspendewesen. NPO im Wandel – Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten in Zeiten des Umbruchs. 15. internationales NPO-Colloquium, Frankfurt am Main, 2024.

Stötzer, S., Kaum, L. & Kaltenbrunner, K. (2024): Sachspenden. NPO im Wandel – Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten in Zeiten des Umbruchs. 15. internationales NPO-Colloquium, Frankfurt am Main, 2024.

Goldenstein, Jan; Poschmann, Philipp; Gerhardt, Lisa-Maria; Oertel, Simon (2024): Between tradition and modernity: Explaining the hybrid identities of German universities, 19. New Institutionalism Workshop, Jena, 2024.

Ehmke Jennifer; Oertel, Simon (2024): The Managerialization of Higher Education: Exploring the Role of Institutional Founding Conditions and Institutional Sector on Employer Branding, 19. Workshop on New Institutionalism in Organization Theory, Jena, 2024.

Leifeld, Lena; Oertel, Simon (2024): Strategies of sufficiency under institutional complexity: A longitudinal study in the German food industry, 19. Workshop on New Institutionalism in Organization Theory, Jena, 2024.

Nollau, Juliet; Oertel, Simon; Zschoche, Miriam (2024): Imprinting and Institutional Legacy: Shaping Female Leadership and Sustainability in East and West German SMEs, 19. New Institutionalism Workshop, Jena, 2024.

Leifeld, Lena; Oertel, Simon (2023): The Meaning Construction of Sufficiency, World Resources Forum, Genf, 2023.

Ehmke, Jennifer; Oertel, Simon (2023): The Managerialization of Higher Education: Exploring the Role of Institutional Founding Conditions and Institutional Sector on Employer Branding, 39. EGOS Colloquium, Cagliari, 2023.

Leifeld, Lena; Oertel, Simon (2023): The Meaning Construction of Sufficiency and its Change over Time, 39. EGOS Colloquium, Cagliari, 2023.

Gerhardt, Lisa; Goldenstein, Jan; Oertel, Simon; Poschmann, Philipp; Walgenbach, Peter (2023): The Marginalization of Higher Education in Germany and Its Consequences: Changes in Job Advertisements for Professorships in German Universities, 1990 to 2010, Workshop der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Organisation (WK ORG) (VHB), Linz, 2023.

Hein-Pensel, Franziska; Knorr, Karin; Oertel, Simon; Thommes, Kirsten (2022): The relativity of time: Patterns of utilizing past in the context of rhetorical history, Workshop der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Organisation (WK ORG) (VHB), Düsseldorf, 2022.

Philippczyck, Nicole, Grundmann, Jan; Oertel, Simon (2022): The framing of diversity statements in European universities: The role of imprinting and institutional legacy, Workshop der Wissenschaftlichen Kommission Organisation (WK ORG) (VHB), Düsseldorf, 2022.

Köpsell, Saskia; Oertel, Simon (2022): Digitalization Attempts in Higher Education: The Role of Imprinting and the Effect of Business Departments, 38. EGOS Colloquium, Wien, 2022.

Mayr, Viktoria; Bach, Norbert; Oertel, Simon (2022): New forms of organizing and their relevance for routine dynamics, 38. EGOS Colloquium, Wien, 2022.

Philippczyck, Nicole; Hoffmann, Harry; Oertel, Simon (2022): The content of mission statements in European universities: The role of institutional foundational conditions and business systems, 38. EGOS Colloquium, Wien, 2022.

Mayr, Viktoria; Oertel, Simon (2022): The Relevance of Path Dependence and Imprinting in Explaining the Growth of Research Collaboration Networks in Germany, 17. Workshop on New Institutionalism in Organization Theory, Madrid, 2022.