Cornelia Huis

Foto von Cornelia Huis

Mag.a Cornelia Huis

Department of Business / Marketing
Churfürststraße 1, 5020 Salzburg

Tel.: +43 (0)662 8044 3454

Churfürststraße 1 (Toskanatrakt), 1st Floor, Room 152

About the Person

From 2017 to 2023, I worked as a lecturer and researcher at the FH Salzburg (Salzburg University of Applied Sciences). Initially, I was part of the Department of Tourism Research, and from 2019 onwards, I worked in the Department of Marketing and Relationship Management within the Business Administration program, under the leadership of Univ.-Prof. Dr. Christine Vallaster. Additionally, between August 2022 and February 2023, I served as a scientific staff member, instructor, and research assistant at the Privatuniversität Schloss Seeburg before transitioning to the Paris Lodron University Salzburg as a doctoral candidate.

Since completing my studies in Sociology at the Paris Lodron University Salzburg in 2011, I have primarily been involved in third-party and commissioned research. During this time, I gained experience working on practical topics with various stakeholder groups. Participation consistently emerged as a key factor for the sustainable establishment of innovative, collectively supported solutions. In my dissertation, I am exploring the role of marketing in the circular economy, focusing on the potential of participatory approaches for successfully transforming a linear economic system into a circular one. Of particular interest are questions related to aligning economic, social, and/or ecological objectives in the development of cooperative value chains, as well as understanding the success factors for participatory ecosystems and networks.

For more information, please visit Curriculum_Vitae_Cornelia_Huis

Main Research Areas

Entrepreneurial Responsibility and Participation in the Circular Economy