TEX-DAN – Moving forward with circularity in textile and fashion value chains

Illustration zum Projekt TEX-DAN
Image credit: AI-generated

Project key data

  • Funding: Interreg Danube Transnational Programme
  • Lead Partner Organization: South Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency (Hungary)
  • Project Lead (FH Salzburg): Prof. Dr. Eva Lienbacher
  • Project Partners and Associated Partners (*):
    • South Transdanubian Regional Innovation Agency (Hungary)
    • JAIP – South Bohemian Agency for Support to Innovation (Czech Republic)
    • National Recycling Agency of Slovakia (Slovakia)
    • Center of Excellence for Circular Economy and Climate Change LLC, Novi Sad (Serbia)
    • Institute for Sustainable Development (Slovenia)
    • Reginnova NE Innovation and R&D (Romania)
    • Development Agency of the Republic of Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
    • Croatian Agency for SME, Innovation, and Investments (Croatia)
    • Regional Agency for Entrepreneurship and Innovations – Varna (Bulgaria)
    • BSC, Business Support Organization, Ltd., Kranj (Slovenia)
    • IFKA Public Benefit Nonprofit Ltd. (Hungary)
    • ZIPHOUSE Fashion Innovation Hub (Moldova)
    • Blue Planet Climate Protection Foundation (Hungary)
    • Paris Lodron University Salzburg (Austria)*
  • Duration: January 2024 – June 2026

The TEX-DAN project aims to enhance circularity in the textile and fashion industry’s value chain through transnational collaboration in the Danube region.

The project focuses on four key areas

  • Bioeconomic Clothing
  • Circular Design
  • Circular Production Processes
  • Recycling

An essential part of the project involves knowledge transfer to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). This transfer is facilitated by developing awareness measures, training concepts, and best practice solutions from Germany, Austria, and the Czech Republic. Local, regional, and national policymakers will receive recommendations for advancing legislative frameworks.

Specific objectives

  • Improve local, regional, and national policy conditions in the textile and fashion industry within the Danube region.
  • Enhance acceptance of technologies used in the textile and fashion value chain.
  • Foster transnational cooperation for the adoption of technologies that increase circularity.