HRM group @ Science Award of the Club Emeriti of the University Salzburg and the Rotary Club Salzburg Nord

Every year the Club Emeriti at the University of Salzburg donates a science award together with the Rotary Club Salzburg Nord. The prize is awarded to an outstanding dissertation from the Faculty of Catholic Theology, the Faculty of Law or the Faculty of Cultural and Social Sciences.

This year, among all faculties’ admissions, the prize was awarded to Isabella Scheibmayr who wrote her dissertation on “HRM’s gendered agency” in the HRM group. The award ceremony will take place at the beginning of 2021.

We are very proud of our colleague and cordially congratulate Isabella Scheibmayr on receiving this honour!

(online since 22.12.2020)



HRM group @ Science Prize @ Chamber of Labour

The dissertation of Isabella Scheibmayr was awarded a science prize of the Chamber of Labour (AK) Salzburg! The dissertation is dealing with the intersection of gender relations and HRM-function as well as HRM-occupation, titled “HRM’s gendered agency”.

The Chamber of Labour is awarding all 2020 prizes today, Wednesday 16th in an exciting online ceremony. With these Science and Sponsorship Awards scientific research surrounding all aspects of work are supported.

The  program and  registration for the event can be found here.Here you may find a short introduction of all awarded papers as well as the link to these news on the   PLUS homepage.

(online since 16.12.2020)



HRM group @ Broad Media Interest

National and international media are still having a broad interest in Astrid Reichel’s research on women’s careers and childcare arrangements!TheWorldNews as well as the news portal Extrajournal are reporting about this international survey including 12.000 participants from 19 countries and the lastest findings on persistent sterotypes and their linkage with parental leave, childcare provision, and women’s careers.

Both reports in detail:

(online since 12.11.2020)


HRM group @ die Presse

Inspired by the HRM group’s and 5C’s findings on women’s careers Claudia Lagler of the daily newspaper „Die Presse“ did an interview with Astrid Reichel on her research. The newspaper article has been published in the print edition of Saturday, November 7th 2020.

article in the newspaper 'Die Presse'









(online since 11.11.2020)



HRM group @ Kurier

The Austrian Newspaper, Kurier, took up the APA press release about Astrid Reichel’s research and published an article in its October, 20th issue about organisational support of women’s careers based on the work of the HRM group and 5C, the cross-cultural collaboration on contemporary careers.

Barrierefreiheit: Kurzbeschreibung des Bildes

(online since 04.11.2020)



HRM group @ Lucerne Research Seminar

On October 15th, 2020 Astrid Reichel was invited as a speaker for the Lucerne Research Seminar in Economics and Management by the Center for Human Resource Management, University of Lucerne. Besides a talk on the unintended effects of parental leave and childcare arrangements on human capital development practices promising research projects were discussed.

picture of presentation

Thanks to the Lucerne team for the warm welcome and inspiring exchange of ideas!

(online since 22.10.2020)



HRM group @ Crowdworking Symposium

Astrid Reichel was as a member of the scientific committee and chair at the   2nd Crowdworking Symposium taking place at the University of Paderborn and online on October 8th and 9th, 2020.Researchers from various disciplines and European countries contributed more than 20 papers to the  program investigating HR, work and organizational issues in the field of platform work.

(online since 22.10.2020)



HRM group @ APA Science Press Releases

Austrian Press Agency   (APA) has published a press release on Astrid Reichel’s research findings.

Picture of the APA press release 




Currently the   article about the counterintuitive negative effects of generous childcare provision on organizational investment in women’s careers  is listed under the top 10 APA science press releases! 








(online since 22.10.2020)



HRM group @ Karriereforum Salzburg 2020

Barrierefreiheit: Kurzbeschreibung des BildesAstrid Reichel was interviewed by Michael Roither about careers in and after the pandemic. The conversation was published in Salzburger Nachrichten’s career special on September 9th, 2020.

(online since 24.09.2020)



HRM group @ 3rd Junior Management Science Conference

The HRM group participated in the 3rd Junior Management Science Conference in Hamburg. Junior Management Science (JUMS) is an open-access scientific journal publishing theses from business and administration, following a double-blind review process.

Dr. Scheibmayr



Isabella Scheibmayr was honored with the Best Reviewer Award of the Department of Human Resources and Leadership! Congratulations!



(picture: Marco Wall)

Many thanks to the organizing team of JUMS as well as the Joachim-Herz-Stiftung for organizing this outstanding   conference!Information on submitting your thesis in Junior Management Science can be found  here.

(online since 23.09.2020)



HRM group @ Best Conference Reviewer #AoM2020

Isabella Scheibmayr was recognized as “Best Conference Paper Reviewer” for the Annual Meeting 2020 of the Academy of Management by the Gender & Diversity in Organizations Division (GDO).

Barrierefreiheit: Kurzbeschreibung des Bildes







(online since 26.08.2020)



HRM group @ AoM 2020

The HRM group presented their research at this year’s Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management:

  • Markus Ellmer’s and Astrid Reichel’s paper “How Does Practicing HR Analytics Establish HRM Credibility? An Epistemic Practice“ was presented in the HR Analytics Session of the HR Division.
  • Isabella Scheibmayr and Astrid Reichel presented the paper “Status Increase Despite Passivity: HRM Professionalization in the Civil Law Context” in the HRM in context session of the HR Division.
  • The paper “Disabling Effects of Enabling Social Policies on Gender Equality in Organizational HR Development” (authors: Astrid Reichel, Fida Afiouni, Maike Andresen, Eleni Apospori, Silvia Bagdadli, Janine Bosak, Jon P. Briscoe, Martina Gianecchini, Emma Parry, Mami Taniguchi, Pamela Suzanne) was presented in the Diversity Policies in Organizations session of the GDO Division. This paper was also nominated for the Carolyn B. Dexter Award!


Barrierefreiheit: Kurzbeschreibung des Bildes


For the first time in history the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management was held completely virtually this year. Over 7,000 researchers from 83 countries participated in the event.

Members can watch the videos of our presentations  online until the end of October.Please find the link to the online program   here:

(online since 25.08.2020)



HRM group @  CIPD Applied Research Conference Celebratory Issue

The Human Resource Management Journal (HRMJ) has issued a celebratory virtual issue for the Applied Research Conference of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD), including a research paper by the HRM group: “The HR Lady is on board: Untangling the link between HRM’s feminine image and HRM’s board representation” by Astrid Reichel, Isabella Scheibmayr and Julia Brandl (University of Innsbruck) was included in the virtual issue.

The virtual issue is freely accessible  here.

(online since 25.08.2020)



HRM group @ Top Downloaded Article

The paper “Proactive career behaviors and subjective career success: The moderating role of national culture” co-authored by Astrid Reichel was among the 10 % top-downloaded papers in 2019!

Barrierefreiheit: Kurzbeschreibung des Bildes








(online since 13.05.2020)



The paper currently entitled “Disabling Effects of Enabling Social Policies on Gender Equality in Organizational HR Development” by Astrid Reichel (first author, together with Fida Afiouni, Eleni Apospori, Janine Bosak, Mila Lazarova, Emma Parry and Pamela Suzanne), that was already rewarded as part of a symposium, now – as a standalone paper – is nominated for the 2020 Carolyn B. Dexter Award by the Academy of Management!

AOM Logo



The  Academy of Management is the most important network of management scholars. It has 20.000 members and is organized in 26 divisions.Each division only nominates one paper for the award per year!


The paper shows that more generous maternity and child care leave policies are associated with organizations investing in less training and development for their female employees (there is no effect for men). Counterintuitively we find the same effect for childcare provision. The more children are in childcare the less organizations invest in their female employees’ development.

(online since 12.05.2020)



HRM group @ International Journal of HRM

A new article based on 5 C (Cross cultural collaboration of contemporary carees) data, co-authored by Astrid Reichel, came out recently in the International Journal of HRM.The study shows that there is a stable and negative relationship between age and employability. This link, however, can be buffered by the number of HR developmental practices people received throughout their career.

Titel and information on the articel 



 Here you may find the article!




(online since 30.03.2020)


HRM group @ Personal Quarterly

Based on a best paper award winning conference contribution for the autumn workshop of “VHB Kommission Personal” Markus Ellmer and Astrid Reichel wrote an article for Personal quarterly a scientific journal for HR practitioners.

The paper is based on an ethnographic study and addresses the question of whether HR gains credibility through HR analytics. It was published in a special issue on New York.Cover of the Personal quarterly journal













(online since 20.3.2020)



HRM group @ Carcon 2020

The HRM group, represented by Astrid Reichel and Isabella Scheibmayr, visited the first conference of the Careers Division of the Academy of Management. Over 150 careers researchers met from 14-15th February at the WU Vienna around the topic “Careers in Context: Theorizing in and about Turbulent Times.Astrid Reichel‘s paper “organizational career management and individual careers around the world” (co-authored with mit Martina Gianecchini, Silvia Bagdadli, Rick Cotton, Robert Kase, Mila Lazarova, Adam Smale, Janine Bosak, Jon P. Briscoe, Katharina Chudzikowski, Silvia Dello Russo) appeared in the session “predicting career success”.Many thanks to the team of Prof. Mayrhofer for the organization of this succesfull conference!  Here you may find some more information on the 1st CarCon 2020!The detailled program is available  here.

(online since 11.03.2020)