Philip Steiner Manja Luckner Hubert Kerschbaum Gerhard Wanner Ursula Lütz-Meindl (2018) Ionic stress induces fusion of mitochondria to 3-D networks: An electron tomography study. Journal of Structural Biology
Martin Niedermeier, Notburga Gierlinger, Ursula Lütz-Meindl (2018) Biomineralization of strontium and barium contributes to detoxification in the freshwater alga Micrasterias Journal of Plant Physiology Journal of Plant Physiology
Yuchen Sun, Katharina Woess, Melanie Kienzl, Victoria M. Leb-Reichl, Andrea Feinle, Monika Wimmer, Roland Zauner, Verena Wally, Ursula Luetz-Meindl, Jemima E. Mellerio, Ignacia Fuentes, Andrew P. South, Johann W. Bauer, Julia Reichelt, Tomomi Furihata, Christina Guttmann-Gruber, Josefina Piñón Hofbauer (2018) Extracellular vesicles as biomarkers for the detection of a tumor marker gene in epidermolysis bullosa-associated squamous cell carcinoma. In: The Journal of Investigative Dermatology
SPRINGER K., LÜTZ C., LÜTZ-MEINDL U., WENDT A., BISCHOF K. (2017) Hyposaline conditions affect UV susceptibility in the Arctic kelp Alaria esculenta (Phaeophyceae) 56 (6), 675–685
Li Y, Shi S, Radauer-Preiml I, Andosch A, Casals E, Lütz-Meindl U, Cobaleda M, Lin Z, Jaberi-Douraki M, Italiani P, Horejs-Hoeck J, Himly M, Monteiro-Riviere N, Duschl A, Puntes V, Boraschi D (2017) Bacterial endotoxin (LPS) binds to the surface of gold nanoparticles, interferes with protein corona formation and induces human monocyte inflammatory activation. In: Nanotoxicology, 11, 1157-75 . DOI: 10.1080/17435390.2
Schwarz, V., Andosch A., Geretschläger A., Affenzeller M., Lütz-Meindl U. (2017) Carbon starvation induces lipid degradation via autophagy in the model alga Micrasterias. J. Plant Physiol. 208, 115 -127, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jplph.2016.11.008
Radauer-Preiml, I., Andosch, A., Hawranek, T., Lütz-Meindl, U., Wiederstein, M., Horejs-Hoeck, J., Himly, M., Boyles, M.S.P., Duschl, A. (2016) Nanoparticle-allergen interactions mediate human allergic responses: Protein corona characterization and cellular responses. Part. Fibre. Toxicol. 16;13(1):3. doi: 10.1186/s12989-016-0113-0.
Lütz-Meindl U. (2016) Micrasterias as a model system in plant cell biology. Front. Plant Sci. 7, 1-21, http://dx.doi.org/103389/fpls.2016.00999
Stoehr, L.C., Madl, P., Boyles, M., Zauner, R., Wimmer, M., Wiegand, H., Andosch, A., Kasper, G., Pesch, M., Lütz-Meindl, U., Himly, M., Duschl, A. (2015) Enhanced depostion by electrostatic field-assistance aggravates diesel exhaust aerosol toxicity for human lung cells. Environ. Sci. Technol. doi: 10.1021/acs.est.5b02503
Andosch, A., Höftberger, M., Lütz, C., Lütz-Meindl, U. (2015) Subcellular sequestration and impact of heavy metals on the ultrastructure and physiology of the multicellular freshwater alga Desmidium swartzii. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 16, 10389 – 10410
Klein, B., Lütz-Meindl U., Kerschbaum HH. (2014) From the nucleus to the plasma membrane: translocation of the nuclear proteins histone H3 and lamin B1 in apoptotic microglia. Apoptosis 19(5), 759 -75
Volland, S., Bayer,E., Baumgartner,V., Andosch, A., Lütz, C., Sima , Lütz-Meindl U. (2014) Rescue of heavy metal effects on cell physiology of the algal model system Micrasterias by divalent ions. J. Plant Physiol. 171: 154 – 163
Zheng, L.J., Lütz-Meindl, U., Peer, T. (2013) Chelate-assisted phytoremediation of lead (Chapter 2). In: Recent advances towards improved phytoremediation of heavy metal pollution. (Editor: Leung D.M.W.)Bentham Science P 40 – 54
Wanner, G. Schäfer T., Lütz-Meindl U. (2013) 3-D analysis of dictyosomes and multivesicular bodies in the green alga Micrasterias denticulata by FIB/SEM tomography. J. Struct. Biol., 184: 203-11
Volland, S., Schaumlöffel, D., Dobritzsch, D., Krauss, G.-J., Lütz-Meindl, U. (2013) Identification of phytochelatins in the cadmium-stress conjugating green alga Micrasterias denticulata. Chemosphere 91: 448 – 454
Andosch, A., Affenzeller, M.J., Lütz, C., Lütz-Meindl, U., (2012) A freshwater green alga under cadmium stress: Ameliorating calcium effects on ultrastructure and photosynthesis in the unicellular model Micrasterias. J. Plant Physiol. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jplph.2012.06.002.
Volland, S., Lütz, C., Michalke, B., Lütz-Meindl, U., (2012) Intracellular chromium localization and cell physiological response in the unicellular alga Micrasterias. Aquat. Toxicol. 109: 59-69
Zheng, L., Peer, T., Seybold, V., Lütz-Meindl, U., (2012) Pb-induced ultrastructural alterations and subcellular localization of Pb in two species of Lespedeza by TEM-coupled electron energy loss spectroscopy. Environ. Exp. Bot. 77: 196-206
Vannerum, K., Huysman, M.J.J., De Rycke, R., Vuylsteke, M., Leliaert, F., Pollier, J., Lütz-Meindl, U., Gillard, J., De Veylder, L., Goossens, A., Inzé, D., Vyverman, W., (2011) Transcriptional analysis of cell growth and morphogenesis in the unicellular green alga Micrasterias (Streptophyta), with emphasis on the role of expansin. BMC Plant Biol. 11: 128-44
Klein B., Wörndl, K., Lütz-MeindlU., Kerschbaum H.H., (2011): Perturbation of intracellular K+ homeostasis with valinomycin promotes cell death b mitochondrial swelling and autophagic processes. Apoptosis 16: 1101-17
Volland S., Andosch A., Milla M., Stöger B., Lütz C., Lütz-Meindl U., (2011): Heavy metal accumulation and impact on the green algal model system Micrasterias denticulata (Streptophyta) measured by TEM coupled electron energy loss spectroscopy. In: Journal of Phycology, 47:565-79
Zheng L.-J., Liu X., Lütz-Meindl U., Peer T., (2010): Effects of lead and EDTA-assisted lead on the biomass and mineral nutrients in Lespedeza chinensis and Lespedeza davidii . Water Air & Soil Pollution, 220: 57-68
Bossy B., Petrilli A., Klinglmayr E., Chen J., Lütz-Meindl U., Knott A.B., Masliah E., Schwarzenbacher R., Bossy-Wetzel E.,( 2010): S-Nitrosylation of DRP1 does not affect enzymatic activity and is not specific to Alzheimer´s Disease. Journal of Alzheimer´s Disease, 20: 513-526
Darehshouri A., Lütz-Meindl U., (2010): H2O2 localization in the green alga Micrasterias after salt and osmotic stress by TEM-coupled electron energy loss spectroscopy. Protoplasma, 239: 49-56.
Eder M., Lütz-Meindl U., (2010): Analyses and localization of pectin-like carbohydrates in cell wall and mucilage of the green alga Netrium digitus. Protoplasma, 243: 25-38
Eder M., Lütz-Meindl U., Weiss I.M., (2010): Non-invasive LC-Polscope imaging of biominerals and cell wall anisotropy changes. Protoplasma, 246: 49-64
Roleda M.Y., Lütz-Meindl U., Wiencke C., Lütz C., 2010: Physiological, biochemical, and ultrastructural responses of the green macroalga Urospora penicilliformis from Arctic Spitsbergen to UV radiation. Protoplasma, 243:105-116
Affenzeller M.J., Darehshouri A., Andosch A., Lütz C. and Lütz-Meindl U., 2009: Salt stress-induced cell death in the unicellular green alga Micrasterias denticulata. J. Exp. Bot., 60(3): 939-954
Affenzeller M.J., Darehshouri A., Andosch A., Lütz C. and Lütz-Meindl U., 2009: PCD and autophagy in the unicellular green alga Micrasterias denticulata. Autophagy, 5(6): 854-855
Foissner W., Weissenbacher B., Krautgartner W-D., Lütz-Meindl U., 2009: A cover of glass: first report of biomineralized silicon in a ciliate, Maryna umbrellata (Chiliophora: Colpodea). J. Eukaryot. Microbiol., 56(6): 519-530
Lehner C., Kerschbaum H.H., Lütz-Meindl U., 2009: Nitric oxide suppresses growth and development in the unicellular green alga Micrasterias denticulata. J. Plant Physiol., 166: 117-127
Schiechl G., Himmelsbach M., Buchberger W., Kerschbaum H.H., Lütz-Meindl U., 2008: Identification of acetylcholine and impact of cholinomimetic drugs on cell differentiation and growth in the unicellular green alga Micrasterias denticulata. Plant Science, 175 (3): 262-266
Darehshouri A., Affenzeller M., Lütz-Meindl U., 2008: Cell death in the unicellular green alga Micrasterias upon H2O2 induction. Plant Biol., 10(6): 732-745
Eder M., Lütz-Meindl U., 2008: Pectin-like carbohydrates in the green alga Micrasterias characterized by cytochemical analysis and energy filtering TEM. J. Microsc., 231(2): 201-214
Eder M., Tenhaken R., Driouich A., Lütz-Meindl U., 2008: Occurrence and characterization of arabinogalactan-like proteins and hemicelluloses in Micrasterias (Streptophyta). J. Phycol., 44(5): 1221-1234
Lütz-Meindl U., 2007: Use of energy filtering transmission electron microscopy for image generation and element analysis in plant organisms. Micron, 38(3): 181-196
Zierler S., Klein B., Furtner T., Bresgen N., Lütz-Meindl U., Kerschbaum H.H., 2006: Ultraviolet irradiation-induced apoptosis does not trigger nuclear fragmentation but translocation of chromatin from nucleus into cytoplasm in the microglial cell-line, BV-2. Brain Research, 1121(1): 12-21