Students‘ and coworkers‘ achievements

Book article available  here:

book article

„Alle Jahre wieder….“

Again in 2023, a number of Paper of the Month-Awards go to students of the group, in specific to Ingrid Hasenkopf, Litty Johnson, and Cristiane Casonato-Melo;

…and the 2nd Prize for the Paper of the Year 2023, to Ingrid Hasenkopf:

PoM awards 2023

In November 2023 Ben Punz and Vanessa Auer were awarded for best oral and poster presentations at the 5th International NanoMedicine Conference of China, Guangzhou, CN.


short talk


scientific discussion  session

Collaborators meet (left to right): Martin Himly, Yang Li, Iseult Lynch, Chunying Chen
Collaborators meet (left to right): Martin Himly (PLUS), Yang Li (SIAT), Iseult Lynch (UoB), Chunying Chen (CAS)

In 2022, the group’s students & co-workers, Litty Johnson, Norbert Hofstätter, Robert Mills-Goodlet, and Ben Punz, win four out of twelve Paper of the Month-Awards of the Dept. Biosciences & Medical Biology:

Paper of the Month

The “Nano-week” & NanoCommons Final Conference

Several PLUS representatives actively participated in the „Nano-week“ & NanoCommons final conference held in Limassol, Cyprus in June 2022. NanoCommons is a European nanotechnology community platform that connects academics, industry, and regulators to support safe-by-design product development and regulatory approval. The whole team around Martin Himly organized interactive training sessions especially on nanosafety modelling tools and integrating nano-related data. The session mainly addressed how SOPs can be linked through instance maps in electronic data management systems. The researchers also gave oral and poster presentations on their findings.

  • Litty Johnson won the best oral presentation award of track 1 (human hazard)
  • Sabine Hofer won the data FAIRification Award for her study on SARS-CoV-2 deposition in deep lungphoto award session

Die Rolle von Kindern in COVID-19

Wissenschaftliche Resultate ( Hofstätter N., et al.) in Zeiten reger gesellschaftlicher Diskussionen um die Rolle von Kindern in COVID-19. Aufgrund ihrer Lungenmorphometrie erleiden nur etwa 4% der Kinder eine Beteiligung der tiefen Lunge nach Infektion mit SARS-CoV-2, während dies etwa 20% der Erwachsenen betrifft.

Scientific results ( Hofstätter N., et al.) in public discourse on the role of children in the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Due their lung morphometry only about 4% of kids experience severe disease including pulmonary effects, whereas about 20% are affected in adults.

Virus-beladene Aerosole deponieren bei Kindern in den oberen Atemwegen


Foto: S. Haigermoser
Salzburger Nachrichten, 18. November 2021

Litty on virtual stageOn 3rd July 2021 our PhD student Litty Johnson (upper row in the middle) presented orally at the 15th World Immune Regulation Meeting (WIRM) in the Workshop 8 on Biologicals, Vaccines, and Immunomodulation. We see her after her oral presentation in discussion with the panelists headed by Ruby Pawankar (lower row to the right), former President of the World Allergy Organization.

SN 210625Our research associates Sabine Hofer and Norbert Hofstätter (see below) digged into the pathogenesis of Covid-19 identifying aerosol transmission into the deep lung as critical risk factor for severe courses in disease. Their publication has earned interest by the local press.

the two investigators

Salzburger Nachrichten, 25. Juni 2021

Barrierefreiheit: Kurzbeschreibung des BildesBettina Grotz, MSc, received the AK Wissenschaftspreis 2017 for her master thesis „Time-resolved uptake of protein – nanoparticle conjugates in lung epithelial A549 and macrophage-like THP-1 cells“  in the category „Future – natural sciences and technology“. Currently, Bettina develops applications for „Laser PCR“ at GNA Biosolutions GmbH ( in Martinsried close to Munich. This technology enables ultrashort (1,000,000x faster) temperature ramps, and therefore DNA detection within 10 min.

Barrierefreiheit: Kurzbeschreibung des Bildes

Markus Steiner, MSc, received the WISP 2011 3rd Prize for his contribution „Wenn Schmerzmittel schmerzen“ granted by dialog<>gentechnik, Die Presse, and Austria Presse Agentur. Two years later he furthermore receives the ImmunoTools Award 2013 for his project on elucidations of immune functions of human basophils. After successful completion of his PhD thesis on “Human basophils – novel aspects beyond the allergic effector role”, Markus started as Postdoc in the the Laboratory for Immunological and Molecular Cancer Research,, at the Paracelsus Medical University, Salzburg.