In case of a crisis, the public will judge several fields of your company and of your handling. On the one hand there is the crisis management – for developing a solution of the problem. On the other hand the communication about the crisis itself.

The communication itself is very difficult because of time pressure, complex situations, the difficulty to get valuable information and of course because of emotions.

Crisis Management

  • How is the crisis managed?
  • Was the organization prepared for a crisis?
  • Are decisions made swiftly?
  • Are there clear responsibilities?

Crisis Communication

  • Is there a competent contact or spokesperson?
  • Are the statements believable?
  • Is information shared quickly?
  • Does the spokesperson show compassion with the people affected?

Why is communication in crises situations so difficult?

  • Valid information is scarce
  • Time pressure
  • Complexity of the situation
  • Emotions

Source:  gaisberg communications