DI Aleksandar Paunovic
DI Aleksandar Paunovic
Technischer Assistent
Hellbrunner Straße 34, 5020 Salzburg
Tel.: +43 0(662) / 8044-5578
Academic career
2013-2016 Master´s degree in process engineering, with focus on pressure vessel and plant technology at the TU-Vienna (AUT)
2009-2013 Bachelor´s degree in engineering. First section of this joint degree was focused on natural science at the Paris Lodron University of Salzburg (AUT). The second section included mechanical engineering at the TU-Munich (DE).
2000-2005 Electrical engineering at the HTL-Salzburg (AUT, Itzling)
05/2016-02/2022 Lab-engineer at the company Miele in Bürmoos (AUT)
01/2009-08/2009 Employee at the company Alarmanlagen Bauer in Salzburg (Alarm systems, AUT)
10/2008-11/2008 Electrician at the company EMCO in Niederalm (AUT)
08/2011-09/2011 Internship in the IT-department at the company KISKA in Grödig (AUT)
Summer 2003 and 2004 (18 weeks totally) Internship as a technician at the company Sony DADC in Anif (AUT)