
Bachelor and Master Theses

We supervise topics in the following areas: theory of algorithms, algorithms engineering, algorithmic applications in network science. Please contact team members directly to obtain suggestions for potential thesis projects.

Ongoing Theses:

  • Michael Brunauer, bachelor thesis: Dynamic Spanners with Worst-Case Bounds

Completed Theses:

  • Mara Grilnberger, master thesis: Dynamic Triangle Counting with Worst-Case Update Time
  • Martin Grösbacher, master thesis: An experimental study on dynamic approximate and exact single source shortest path algorithms
  • Selina Milla, master thesis: Compression of Electronic Waveforms
  • Mara Grilnberger, bachelor thesis: On Thorup-Zwick-based hopsets beyond Huang-Pettie
  • Martin Grösbacher, bachelor thesis: A more streamlined exposition to random delay clustering
  • Matthias Reichinger, bachelor thesis: Ranking Job Opportunities in a Personalised Career Recommendation System – Learning from Past Staff Movements

PhD Theses

Currently there are no positions for PhD students to be filled in our group. Open positions will always be posted on the group website, the DMANET mailing list, and the EURAXESS portal.


For administrative reasons, we can offer offer paid internships to external students only rarely. However, we are happy to host interns that have external funding (for example via the Erasmus+ mobility program).