Tagung der International Society of Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature in Kotka, 24. bis 27. Juni 2024
Titel: „Strategies for Responding to Catastrophe in Deuterocanonical and Cognate Literature“
Organisation: International Society for the Study of Deuterocanonicaland Cognate Literature (ISDCL),
                      University of Helsinki and the Lutheran Diocese of Mikkeli
Local organizers: Jutta Jokiranta, Marko Marttila, Martti Nissinen


The sixteenth biennial meeting of the ISDCL, presided over by Professor Renate Reif, took place in Finland from 24 June until 27 June 2024 and was attended by some 25 participants, most of them members of the ISDCL. It was hosted by the University of Helsinki and the Lutheran Diocese of Mikkeli, as well as by the ISDCL. Those who gave papers were from a host of countries, including Austria, Brazil, Chile, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Lebanon, Netherlands, Poland, United Kingdom, South Africa and the USA. The overall topic was “Strategies for Responding to Catastrophe” and the subjects dealt with ranged from the books of Job, Tobit, Judith, Esther, Maccabees, Wisdom of Solomon, Psalms of Solomon, Ben Sira, Baruch, and Luke, to Philo, and early rabbinic liturgy.

The conference venue was the Maritime Centre Vellamo in the beautiful port city of Kotka. The local arrangements were made and supervised by Marko Marttila, Jutta Jokiranta and Martti Nissinen from the University of Helsinki. Welcoming addresses were given by Bishop Dr Mari Parkkinen, Professor Martti Nissinen and the President. The Bishop hosted a festive dinner on the first evening. The business meeting was conducted by the President and dealt with progress since the last meeting in Salzburg in 2022 and with plans for future meetings in Syracusa, Sicily, in 2026, hosted by Dr Dionisio Candido, and in Berlin, Germany, in 2028, hosted by Professor Markus Witte.