Nicole Haitzinger

Portrait von Univ.-Prof. Dr. Nicole HaitzingerFoto © Hubert Auer

Univ.-Prof. Dr. Nicole Haitzinger
Chair of the interuniversity doctoral program in science and arts; Co-chair of the postgraduate program Curating the Performing Arts

University of Salzburg, Unipark Nonntal
Erzabt-Klotz-Straße 1, Room 2.435, 5020 Salzburg

Tel.: +43 (0)662 8044 4673
Fax.: +43 (0)662 8044 4698

Research Interests

  • Theories, history and aesthetics of the performing arts from the 16th century until now
  • Resonating the Tragic: Figure and chorus
  • Concepts of staging, bodies, movement and efficacy (in their various historical formats)
  • Modernity as plurality
  • Staging Europe
  • Decolonial thought: performing arts
  • Curating the performing arts


Univ.-Prof. Nicole Haitzinger studied theatre, film and media studies as well as communication studies at the University of Vienna, where she graduated with a dissertation in theatre studies. Afterwards, she joined the DFG research project “Kulturelle Inszenierung von Fremdheit im ‘langen’ 19. Jahrundert” at the LMU. Since 2018 she has been Professor of Dance and Performance Studies at the University of Salzburg. In addition to her academic work, she worked as a dramaturg and curator for various international projects and participated in modules combining theory and practice. Current dramaturgy, among others, for/with Amanda Piña: The School of the Jaguar,   Danza I Frontera: A living monument und  Exotica.

She has taught and given guest lectures at international institutes in Oxford, Paris, Mexico City, Moscow, Nice, Shanghai, Bejing, London, Belgrade and many more. She also co-chairs the postgraduate program “Curating the Performing Arts”.  Since June 2019 she has headed the FWF project   Border Dancing across Time: The (forgotten) Parisian choreographer Nyota Inyoka, her oeuvre, and questions of choreographing créolité (P 31958-G). A month later she took over as chair of the interuniversity doctoral college  Science and Arts, which is conceived for research beyond academic disciplines. Nicole Haitzinger lives in Paris and Salzburg.


List of publications [May 2023]

 Resonanzen des Tragischen. Zwischen Ereignis und Affekt (Turia+Kant, 2015).

Recent pubilication: Haitzinger, Nicole; Kolb, Alexandra (eds): Dancing Europe. Identities, Languages. Institutions. Munich, epodium 2022. (print and  ebook). 

Projects: Research/Teaching and Curating/Dramaturgy

Border Dancing Across Time [2019-2023], FWF Project, Head of Project:   Projekthomepage 

 EXÓTICA: Dramaturgy for/with Amanda Piña

 Danza y Frontera: Dramaturgy for/with Amanda Piña

Dancing Through Crises: The Impact of Brexit and Covid-19 on the UK freelance dance scene, Kooperation mit University of Roehampton (UK), Co-Investigator:  Projekthomepage

Doctoral Colleg Science and Arts: Arts and their Public Resonance:  Website

Postgraduate Program Curating the performing arts: Website 

CORPUS. Internetmagazin:   corpusweb

PhD Students


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