Univ.-Ass. Dr. Miriam Althammer
University Associate | Chairwoman of the Curricular Commission
Universität Salzburg, Unipark Nonntal
Raum 2.108, Erzabt-Klotz-Straße 1, 5020 Salzburg
Tel.: +43 662 8044 – 4677
Research Interests
- Re-Visions of European dance histories with a focus on the Eastern parts of Europe/the Ottoman Empire
- Dance and Archive (Archive as Practice)
- Oral history and critical memory culture
- Dance, performance and politics
- Re-Construction and Pre-/Re-Enactment
- Notations, scores and documentation of dance and the performing arts
- Artistic Research and Somatics
- Strategies of the curatorial
- Dissolution of the boundaries of the Arts
Miriam Althammer studied Theatre and Dance studies, Art History and Modern German Literature in Munich and Bern and completed the university programme Curating in the Performing Arts in Berlin and Salzburg.
She was a research associate at the Chair for Theatre Studies at the University of Bayreuth (2017-2019) and at the Centre for Contemporary Dance at the Cologne University of Music and Dance (2018-2023), where she completed her doctorate with a thesis on the formation of contemporary dance in Southeast Europe after the end of the Cold War based on her own collection of 50 oral histories. She also taught at the Bytomer Dance Theatre Institute of the Krakow Theatre Academy (2016-2019) and the Academy of Dance and Performance of the National Dance Center in Bucharest (2022).
Since October 2023, Miriam Althammer has been a research associate (postdoc) in the Department of Music and Dance Studies. Her habilitation project focuses on the artistic biographies of Floria Capsali, Friderica Derra de Moroda, Louise Langgaard, Maga Magazinović and Vera Proca Ciortea and examines transnational exchange, intra-European orientalisms and (queer) feminist movements in modern Central and South-Eastern Europe in the context of gymnastics, folk dance culture and European nation-state movements. One focus is also on researching the collection and object histories of their archives as well as a methodological perspective on critical dance historiography.
In addition to her academic work, she accompanies projects at the intersection of performative and visual arts with curatorial and artistic-research projects (e.g. Performing Memories | Unearthing Histories | Scoring Transtemporalitiesin the frame of SCORES – Zwischen Dokumentation, Vermittlung und Kreation, 2021-2023). She has worked as a journalist (e.g. Süddeutsche Zeitung, tanz magazine, Münchner Feuilleton) and blogger for various festivals and theatres. Since 2011 she has been a member of the editorial team at tanznetz.de. She has also been a member of the jury for independent dance professionals of the City of Munich’s Department of Culture since 2018 and a member of the jury of the Bavarian State Association for Contemporary Dance (BLZT) from 2018-2023. Recently, she was co-organiser of the Symposiums der Gesellschaft für Tanzforschung (gtf) zum Thema (In-)Visibilities – Moderner Tanz Re-Visited (19.-21. September 2024, Folkwang Universität der Künste, Essen).
- Member of the international research group Peripheralised Dance Modernities
- Bavarian Elite Network
- Mentee in the career development programme of the Universities of Linz, Salzburg and Krems (2024-2025)
- GTF – Society for Dance Research
- DSA – Dance Studies Association
- GTW – Society for Theatre Studies
- IFTR – International Federation for Theatre Research
- EADH – The European Association for Dance History
Prices and Scholarships
- Graduate Student Travel Award of the Dance Studies Association (2018)
- Marie Andeßner Scholarship of the gend-up programme of the University of Salzburg (2015-2016)
- Bursary of the International Federation for Theatre Research (2015)
- Scholarship holder of the Max Weber Programme of the Free State of Bavaria for the promotion of highly gifted students according to the Bavarian Elite Promotion Act (2009-2012)
Academic Functions
- Chairwoman of the Curricular Commission
- Co-editor of the journal Tanz&Archiv: ForschungsReisen https://ddmarchiv.eu/publikationen/derra-dance-research/
- General Secretary of the Association of Friends of the Derra de Moroda Dance Archives and Dance Studies/Salzburg
Szenarien des Übergangs: Zeitgenössischer Tanz in Südosteuropa zwischen Institution und künstlerischer Praxis, Scenae, Bd. 23, Baden-Baden: Rombach Wissenschaft 2024. [Dissertation]
InterAktion. Arbeiten des Choreographen Richard Siegal im Spannungsfeld von Tanz und bildender Kunst der 1960er Jahre, off-epodium, Bd. 2, München: epodium 2014. [Magisterarbeit]
Tanz & Archiv. Kriegerinnen, zusammen mit Brandenburg, Irene/Jeschke, Claudia/Haitzinger, Nicole (Hrsg.), Heft 11, München: epodium 2025. [in Vorbereitung]
SCORES: Zwischen Dokumentation, Vermittlung und Kreation, zusammen mit: Arend, Anja K./ Wieczorek, Anna (Hrsg.), München: epodium 2023.
What Remains Gallery: 2009–2014, zusammen mit: Landspersky, Christian/ Landspersky, René (Hrsg.), München: icon 2014.
Essays and contributions to anthologies (selection)
Lost in the Archive? An Exchange on Archival Attitudes and Methods in Dance, zusammen mit: Chwialkowska, Anna/Margaliot, Nitsan/Portyannikova, Sasha/Thorausch, Thomas, in: Hardt, Yvonne/Berg, Marisa Joana/Chwialkowska, Anna/Nestler, Ulrike (Hrsg.): Virtual Ecologies: Digitalitäten und Ökologien im Tanz, Bielefeld: transcript 2024, S. 273–286.
Reflexionen tänzerischer/choreografischer Routinen und Schreibpraktiken in, durch und über Scores, zusammen mit Arend, Anja K./Wieczorek, Anna, in: Schneider, Katja (Hrsg.): Routinen im Tanz: Künstlerische Praktiken zwischen Stabilisierung und Destabilisierung, Bielefeld: transcript 2023, S. 55–86.
Zwischen Spur und Entwurf: Oral History Transkripte als Scores. Übersetzungsprozesse von Erinnerung in der tänzerischen Praxis, zusammen mit Sander, Vera, in: Althammer, Miriam/ Arend, Anja K./Wieczorek, Anna (Hrsg.): SCORES: Zwischen Dokumentation, Vermittlung und Kreation, München: epodium 2023, S. 68–87.
Oral Histories als Sharing-Format? Recherchearbeiten über und durch Körper, in: Bayraktar, Sevi/Diagne, Mariam/Hardt, Yvonne/Karoß, Sabine/Krauß, Jutta (Hrsg.): Tanzen/Teilen–Sharing/Dancing, Bielefeld: Transcript 2022, S. 279–294.
Dance House Organisms: Reflections on Institutional Ecologies (for a Future Dance House in Europe), in: Gareis, Nicole/Haitzinger, Nicole (Hrsg.): Curating Dance : Decolonizing Dance, Zürich: OnCurating 2022, https://www.on-curating.org/issue-55-reader/dance-house-organisms-reflections-on-institutional-ecologies-for-a-future-dance-house-in-europe.html.
Exploring (Hi)stories of Dance and Movement – Memory Spaces of Dance – The Artist as Citizen, in: Breuss, Rose/Jeschke, Claudia (Hrsg): de-archiving movement #4. research : choreography : performance, in Kooperation mit dem IDA research lab, München: epodium 2018, S. 2–14.
Lücken und Löschungen. Das Transkript als Montage von Erinnerungen, in: Brandenburg, Irene/Haitzinger, Nicole/Jeschke, Claudia (Hrsg.): Tanz & Archiv. Doing Memory. Zwischen Don Juan und Bharatanatyam, Heft 6, München: epodium 2015, S. 32–42.