Dr. Ralph Poole
Univ.-Prof., Head of Department
Erzabt-Klotz-Straße 1, 5020 Salzburg
Tel.: +43 (0)662 8044 4403
Fax.: +43 (0)662 8044 167
Univ.-Prof. Dr. Ralph J. Poole
Professur für Amerikanistische Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft / American Studies
American Literature and Culture from the early colonial era to the 21st century
Popular Culture, Genre Studies (film, television, musical, melodrama, comedy)
Gender and Feminist Theory, LGBTIQIA+ and Masculinity Studies
Transnational and Comparative American Studies (Transatlantic, Caribbean, Turkey)
Institutional Responsibilities
Univ.-Prof. of American Studies (Amerikanistische Literatur- und Kulturwissenschaft)
Head of Department
Member of AKG
Member of IER
Coordinator ISEP
Deputy Coordinator DSP “Popular Culture Studies”
Faculty Member DSP “macht.bildung.gesellschaft“
Faculty Member DSP “Gendered Body Politics”
Research Projects
My FWF-project on “Remember the Ladies: Gender and Comedy in the Age of the American Revolution https://earlyamericantheater.com; https://researchoutreach.org/articles/remembering-the-ladies/ has ended – at least for now – with the publication of The Politics of Gender in Early American Theater: Revolutionary Dramatists and Theatrical Practices, ed. with Leopold Lippert (2021).
Another long-term project comes to a preliminary conclusion with the publication of Queer Turkey: Transnational Poetics of Desire (2022).
The current focus of my research is on a collaborative project on “Rugged Rocks, Gentle Men: The Politics of Gender and Transnationality in the Postwar Austrian Heimatfilm” with Annette Keck, LMU Munich.
Another plan relating to the Heimatfilm but with a contemporary pan-European perspective is my research and book project on “Queer Heimatfilm: Transnational Aesthetics and Transforming Genre”.
I also continue to work on talks and essays relating to my project on “Extravagant Strangers: Queerness and Exile in Caribbean Literature and Popular Culture”.
Recent Publications
Queer Turkey: Transnational Poetics of Desire. Bielefeld: transcript, 2022. https://doi.org/10.14361/9783839450604 (Knowledge Unlatched selected)
The Politics of Gender in Early American Theater: Revolutionary Dramatists and Theatrical Practices. Ed. with Leopold Lippert. Bielefeld: transcript, 2022. https://www.transcript-verlag.de/978-3-8376-5253-6/the-politics-of-gender-in-early-american-theater/ (Knowledge Unlatched selected)
‘“Living in Exile in My Own Country:’ Artists Raising the Rainbow Flag in the Caribbean.” Alles inszeniert? Leben, Identität, Geschichte. Eds. Augstín Corti, Markus Ebenhoch, Romina Palacios and Oliver Zimmermann. Wien: LIT, 2023. 151-162.
“Harlem Fairies: Von Feen und anderen verwunschen-verzauberten Gestalten.” Literacy und soziale Gerechtigkeit. Theorie – Empirie – Praktiken. Eds. Andrea Bramberger and Sabine Seichter. Weinheim and Basel: Beltz Juventa, 2023. 154-175.
“The Future Was Dark: Das finstere Tal as Alpine Western.” Cultural Politics and Propaganda: Mediated Narratives and Images in Austrian-American Relations. Eds. Waldemar Zacharasiewicz and Siegfried Beer. Wien: ÖAW Verlag, 2021. 393-420.
“Harlem Fairies: Von Feen und anderen verwunschen-verzauberten Gestalten.” Literacy und soziale Gerechtigkeit. Theorie – Empirie – Praktiken. Eds. Andrea Bramberger and Sabine Seichter. Weinheim and Basel: Beltz Juventa, 2023. 154-175.
“Affective Deception: Experiencing Genderplay in Louisa May Alcott”. Special Issue: Louisa May Alcott and Love: A European Seminar in Rome. Eds. Daniela Daniele and Martha Saxton. European Journal of American Studies EJAS 17.3 (2022) https://journals.openedition.org/ejas/18512
“The Future Was Dark: Das finstere Tal as Alpine Western”. Cultural Politics and Propaganda: Mediated Narratives and Images in Austrian-American Relations. Ed. Waldemar Zacharasiewicz. Wien: ÖAW Verlag, 2021. 393-420.