Team Directorate

This team includes project staff directly funded through projects led by members of the directorate.


Postdoc-Position: Dietmar Hareter (PräQM: Trutschnig)

Bild D. Hareter

Dr. Dietmar Hareter studied Technical Mathematics, concentration in “Mathematics in Science”, with a focus on statistics as well as Actuarial Mathematics at the Vienna University of Technology. He is a Certified Actuary in the Actuarial Association of Austria (AVÖ) and has been involved in the development and implementation of forecasting models for more than 15 years.

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Predoc-Position: Sebastian Baron (AI4GREEN: Borgelt)

S. Baron

Sebastian Baron MSc studied economics at the Leopold-Franzens-University Innsbruck and subsequently obtained his Master’s degree in the field of data science at the Paris-Lodron-University Salzburg. In the context of the iTwin project, he researches interoperability concepts for data-driven digital twins in the manufacturing industry.

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Predoc-Position: Nicolas Dietrich (Data Science PhD Position, Red Bull: Trutschnig)

Bild N. DietrichNicolas Dietrich MSc completed both the Bachelor’s and Master’s degree programmes in mathematics at PLUS. In his Master’s thesis he worked on the existence of solutions for partial differential equations. In the meantime, he is doing his PhD in the field of dependency modelling and pattern recognition and is working on the convergence behaviour of copulae.                                                                                     

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Predoc-Position: Patrick Langthaler (IDA Lab II: Bathke)

P. Langthaler, ©privat

Patrick Langthaler completed his Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in mathematics at PLUS with a focus on statistics. Since then, he has been working on various projects at the PMU and the Salzburg Provincial Hospitals. As part of his doctorate, he is researching non-parametric statistical methods.

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Predoc-Position: Marco Tschimpke (ProSA: Trutschnig)

M. TschimpkeMarco Tschimpke MSc completed his Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in mathematics at PLUS and focused on the field of probability theory and statistics. He is currently working on his PhD within a project with AMAG (ProSA project) and focuses on dependence modeling/detection and pattern recognition.

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Predoc-Position: Lea Maislinger (LIVE: Ruprecht, Trutschnig)

© L. Maislinger

Lea Maislinger MSc completed her Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in mathematics at PLUS and is currently pursuing her PhD in mathematics. She also works as a project assistant in the field of dependency modelling.

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Predoc-Position: Fabian Köhnke (IDA Lab II: Borgelt)

Bild Fabian

Fabian Köhnke MSc studied economics at the Hamburger Fern-Hochschule and then completed a master’s degree in Data Science at PLUS. In his master’s thesis, he researched a sub-area of evolutionary algorithms, specifically genetic network programming, which is now the topic of his doctoral thesis.

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Bachelorstudent: Michael Entfellner (DM-Trutschnig)

M. Entfellner, © privatMichael Entfellner is pursuing his bachelor’s degree in Mathematics at PLUS and also works as a project team member in the area of technical analysis in the financial markets.

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